I like it.. Picasso

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Sage would never admit it out loud, but she was slowly realizing she actually liked school.

Before she just tolerated it as something they had to do to blend in with the humans, but recently... Sage found that she didn't dread the idea of it.

Don't get her wrong, Mondays still sucked ass but now they sucked less.. 'cause she knew she'd spend the whole time trading underhanded barbs with Rosalie.

Even art, a class she'd found a little mundane, was more interesting now she worked with the Cullen's.

Though she'd kill you if you told them.

Sage was trying to convince Emmett that she didn't like him. She had a bet with Rosalie to see how long it would last and Sage was determined to win it.

"Ugh, you guys are so good at art it's literally unfair" complained Iniya, her black hair swept into a long French braid that ended mid back. Today she was wearing dungarees with a comfy green sweater, which oddly complimented her take on Van Goghs Sunflowers. Her painting that she was currently scowling at.

Sage looked at her own painting, a reimagining of the Starry Night done in oils on wood, and then over to Jasper who was doing a clay piece of Goghs Chair. Even Emmett was doing some delicate work, with an incredibly detailed mixed media of Goghs Wheatfield with Crows.

Sage smothered a smile. It was unfair. Herself, Emmett and Jasper had been doing art for well over the 10,000 hours that people liked say it takes to be a master.

In fact Sage wouldn't doubt that her and Jasper were probably closer to several 10,000 hours.

That being said, Sage thought Iniya's art was very good, and she'd definitely be outclassing them if they didn't have the advantage of time.

"Your painting is also good Iniya" Sage reassured . "I still struggle to get so much depth with Watercolors".

Iniya looked at her work, then at Sage's and pouted a little. "But yours looks like a photo realistic painting of the Starry Night, which is like?? How did you manage that".

Sage's painting wasn't even half done but it did, in fact, look like a photo. Perhaps she should be trying less in this subject.

"I like to work on it out of school" said Sage with a weak attempt at an explanation. Iniya seemed to buy it, or at least she just assumed Sage spent her entire weekend painting. However Jasper arched an eyebrow in a way Sage was learning to mean mischief.

Last year, before Sage had taken this particular class, she had just assumed Jasper was a melancholic vampire who enjoyed piercing the depths of some poor teenager's soul with his gaze.

But now she spent at least one hour a week stuck at the same table with him; she realized he was a little bit of an agent of chaos.

Not in the way Emmett was an agent of chaos, who loved chaos like bees love flowers. No Jasper was subtle, with little sly jabs and jokes.

Not dissimilar from Rosalie, even though she wasn't his real twin. Sage was actually debating on if they'd managed to form a twin bond without knowing -simply because they were so alike.

Rosalie's jokes were a lot more pointed though.

But Sage would never discount on how Jasper's mischief snuck up on you, so when the vampire in question said; "Oh. Did you practice on the painting long then Sage?"

Sage narrowed her eyes. Sometimes she was so sure that the Cullen's had figured out what she was, purely because as fairies, they couldn't lie.

But then other times Sage was beyond convinced that each of the Cullen's had IQ's so low it was actually worrying, because she never really hid what she was and she couldn't fucking lie.

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