Trials and Tribulations

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The evening rolled on peacefully, the air was cool and crisp. The sound of crickets had just started; and paired with the sight of the dark green trees, Sage was quite relaxed as she sat out back on the wrap around porch.

The Hallows lived in a rather big house, somewhat deep into the forest, on the Quilete border, as they had for centuries.

The name 'Hallow', was known on the reservation as well as in Forks because Ceres Hallow had been using it for years; moving out of the area to somewhere else in Washington then moving back pretending to be her own granddaughter or cousin or twin.

All because the sleepy town of Forks was home to something very important to all Fae— a portal.

There were portals to the Fae realm throughout the world. Guarded by all different types of Fae depending where the portal was situated. In mountains sometimes Dwarves stood guard. Or in oceans, Nymphs.

But as the Fae portal in northern America stood deep in the forest, it was guarded by Forest Fairy's, the Hallows, as it had been for many many years. Ceres's job and soon to be Sage and Dahlia's, was simple, keep the portal safe.

"Ugggghhhh!" Groaned Dahlia from where she was lying on the wooden porch near her older sister, her arms flared dramaticly by her side. "This is going to be so hard".

"Well duh" laughed Sage from her seat on the porch hammock. "That's why it's called the 'three trials'.. wouldn't be trials if it was piss easy".

"I wish there were no trials" grumbled Dahlia putting her hands on her face. In case it wasn't clear by now, Dahlia hated any form of work, magical or non. "I wish we could just close our eyes and hope really hard then it would all be done".

Sage sniggered again. "Just think about it. We complete the trials- which is like a total right of passage for Fairy's our age, then we get our wings!" Sage squealed. Wings were so pretty and she desperately wanted to fly. "All the hard work would have paid off".

Dahlia's rolled her eyes, turning on her side to glance up at her sister. "Or... All that hard work is rewarded with more hard work" she raised an eyebrow. "Just think about it, we spend all this time getting our wings, then mum expects us to help out more with portal stuff. Sounds like a loosing situation to me".

"Well we can't be fairy's without wings? And I should have already got mine but mum made me wait till you'd graduated from the academy " Sage pouted.

"You didn't have to wait long though" came Dahlia's reply.

"It was 12 years!"

"That's not long for us asswipe".

"Girls?" Interrupted Ceres from the glass door to the kitchen. "I hope you two are using this time wisely to prep for the trials? They begin in a month."

Both Dahlia and Sage nodded quickly at their mother.

Ceres did not look convinced but she moved on, stepping out onto the porch a little before leaning back against the door. "The Elders down the reservation want to meet you guys" she began calmly. "Obviously you know Billy Black a little, but the others want to be properly introduced. I said I'd ask you guys before I agreed to anything".

Sage and Dahlia shared an excited look. Since the house was on the border of the reservation Billy had offered them to go to school there, but the drive was nearly twenty minutes longer than the drive to Forks High. And simply because Sage didn't want to get up twenty minutes earlier she took the pale faces instead.

But officially meeting the Elders sounded like fun.

"I'm down" agreed Dahlia sitting up with a smile, Sage was quick to agree as well.

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