Mondays Suck Ass

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"Hurry up loser, your going to make us late!"
Sage Hallow sent her younger sister, Dahlia, a pointed look as she got up from the kitchen table and placed her cereal bowl in the sink.

"You've got until I get my shoes on. I don't wanna be late! Mr Robinson already hates me as it is, and it's only like a month into term".

Sage Hallow liked to think of herself as a normal teenager, she liked cute skirts that were most definitely in violation of the dress code, driving around town listening to music and annoying her sister.

And like most teens she hated Monday's. It was a day that did nothing but remind her that she had to get through four more days in the worst possible place on the planet.

Dahlia Hallow was similar to her sister, similar in the way that she also hated school, had curly hair and dark brown skin, but different in about every other aspects of her life.

Don't get her wrong, Dahlia liked shopping and going out driving and all of that stuff, but if she was given the choice, she'd always choose to stay in bed watching TV. It was just more comfortable that way.

"And I mean it this time 'Lia" continued Sage as washed up. "I will drive to school without you if your not ready".

Turning away from the sink, and heading for the hallway to get her shoes, Sage ignored how her sister groaned and rolled her eyes, grumbling again about how much she hated school.

"Can't we just not go in today" pleaded Dahlia from where she sat, unmoved at the table. Her cereal becoming soggier and soggier as it festered uneaten.

"You can't just "not go today" cause you don't like it" said their mother, Ceres Hallow as she drifted down the stairs, past Sage, and into the kitchen. "School is important".

Ceres Hallow was a no nonsense kind of person, but a loving, gentle and understanding mother. And like all Monday's, she came into the kitchen bright eyed and already dressed for work.

"Technically it's pointless. I mean, we've already graduated!" Replied Dahlia, defending herself from her mother's judgement.

Sage said nothing from where she was in the hallway but she couldn't help but agree with her sister. Highschool once was tedious, but twice, three times?? That was torture. Though they didn't exactly graduate from normal Highschool the first time.

Ceres sighed and rolled her eyes as she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and her bag from where it was hanging up next to the large glass backdoors. Their home had a beautiful view of the forest from the kitchen.

"We've been through this girl's. You need human qualifications to blend in, that means you have to graduate human school as well".

When Sage said she thought of herself as a normal teen girl, she meant normal as in not like anything remotely normal at all, not even human.

"Can't you just forge us some human qualifications? That way we could sit around all day and not go to school?" Suggested Dahlia with a hopeful smile to her mum. "I mean you forged your qualifications to get your property management job thingy".

"No I forged the date on my qualifications, not the skills. I actually graduated human highschool four times; I'm over qualified if anything" retorted Ceres with another sigh, though the smile that pulled at her lips was playful.

"And you don't like a day over 300" teased Sage as she made her way back into the kitchen, her outfit now complete with her trainers. Which were old and battered but Sage had taken the liberty to draw all over them with some acrylics, effectively saving them from the bin.

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