Meeting The Love Of My Life But She's Straight :(

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The drive down to the reservation was peaceful. Both of the Hallow sisters knew the forests around Forks and the Res like the back of their hands, though it had been years (decades) since they'd stepped foot in the town.

"Do you reckon they'll like us?" Said Dahlia leaning against the window as she watched the trees blurry green figures race by.

"Well they've been putting up with Mum their whole lives so I'm sure if they didn't want to meet us they'd have said so" replied Sage easily.

She wasn't worried, the Hallows and the Quileute poeple had been closely entertwined for centuries.

The Elders knew their secrets and kept then safe, just as the Hallows kept the tribes.

The Fairy family had been in the woodland, guarding the Fairy ring as was their duty for centuries before the Quileute tribe arrived with the birth of modern man.

It was when the tribes people first settled, in what was now Forks, did they meet the Fae.

Dawn Hallow, Sage and Dahlia's grandmother, had been stumbled upon by a group of Quileute hunters, as she'd been flying through the forest, growing flowers and maintaining the earth.

Or at least that was one version of the story, others involved bears and mountain lions.

Sage didn't know the full story, her grandmother told it differently each time (Sage was convinced she did this for the drama and not because she couldn't actually remember) and since fairy's couldn't lie Sage simply believed all of it happened in some sense— Bares and rouge pixies included.

Her grandmother was as sharp as a wip at her old age of 1080, but what Sage did know was that it was the daughter of the Chief that found her and over time and through many tribulations, the tribe and the Hallows grew together.

Sage pulled into the road that led to Billy's. The car rolled down the worn dirt path and, after a moment, at the end of the road a small wooden house nestled within the trees, appeared. A few cars were parked up outside.

It was cosy, inviting and warm.

"Well" said Sage as she pulled the car into a space and turned it off, "I guess there's no time like the present".


Sage wasn't sure what she'd been expecting for the meeting, but the chilled cookout vibe in the backyard that greeted the sisters was more than welcome.

The gathering was small, a group of teens sat languidly around on the porch chatting and cooking on the barbeque and the adults were sat a stones throw away, down by a fire pit that had yet to be lit.

"Ah you're here! And right on time!" Greeted Ceres coming over and pulling her daughters into a hug before shepherding them over to the adults.

Sage got a good look at the adults as her mother introduced them. There were less than she was expecting, perhaps this gathering was even more private than she'd realized.

"This is Quill Sr, Harry Clearwater and his wife Sue and you of course already know Billy" chatted their mum, guestering with each introduction.

"It's lovely to meet you all, and to see you again Billy" smiled Sage politely, her fingers fiddled with the hem of her shirt.

"Ever the charmer" replied Billy with kind smile. He studied her and Dahlia a little, before adding "You've both grown".

Dahlia laughed playfully, "And you've shrunk!"

"Dahlia!" Reprimanded Ceres though it was drowned out by Billy's deep throaty laughter.

"Well that's what 20 years does to a man!".

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