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It was a crisp morning, and though the weather wasn't clear skies and sunshine, it wasn't gloomy.

Sage and Dahlia were stood by the car, killing time before the first bell rang. It was frankly a mystery that they were early enough to be loitering in the car park on a Monday morning, but Sage would rather be turned into a troll than head to English before she needed to.

Plus there was something in the air. 

Sage wasn't sure what it was, but it made the palms of her hands tingle in anticipation. She just knew something was going to happen. And that something would irreversibly change everything.

And, as if summoned by her thoughts, it was at that time that Edward Cullen's grey volvo turned into the school parking lot and pulled up into a space just perpendicular from Sage's own, noticeably not by his family.

This on its own was strange enough, and Sage couldn't help but dart her eyes over to the rest of the Cullens (who were parked where they usually were) on the other side of the lot.

What she didn't expect was for Cullen's to already be looking over, their bright golden eyes holding a range of emotions; from resignation to burning anger.

In fact, if looks could kill, Sage was sure that Rosalie was trying to murder Edward a hundred times over with the glare she was shooting at the driver's window.

Sage idly wondered if they'd had a big old fight.

Truthfully she had little to no idea on how vampire covens worked, but perhaps, whatever had happened, had been big enough to cause such a deep rift that separation was advised.

The driver's door clicked and Sage flicked her eyes back to watch Edward get out of his car as if nothing was amis.

But something was amis.

Sage could feel it in the air and in the tingling of her palms.

Then Edward walked, in a way that was a little too formal to be casual, around his car to the passenger side and opened the door.

The tingling in Sage's hands intensified and she was hit with the wildest feeling of vertigo; as if she was teetering off the edge of a cliff.

Nothing could have prepared Sage for who stepped out of Edwin's car.

"You can also see Isabella getting out of Cullen's car right? Or am I going crazy" muttered Dahlia in disbelief.

"I can see her, but maybe we're both going crazy?" Replied Sage, just as shocked.

What had happened in a weekend? As far as Sage had been concerned, Edward and Bella were on speaking terms but Edward was a weirdo and Bella was still trying to work him out.

But this was different, Edward held her hand as he helped Bella out of the car. This was familiar.

As if Isabella had worked it out.

"Omg she knows".

Dahlia looked at Sage before looking back at the new couple as they made there way past the Hallow's car.

"No way.. right?" Responded Dahlia, though she seemed unsure. She bit at her fingers subconsciously. "Isabella can't know it's like against.. a bunch of rules".

"But she has too" reasoned Sage, leaning against her car, "There is no other way that Edward would let Bella that close. Like a week ago he was still gaslighting her into thinking he didn't stop that car with his bare hands".

"Humans aren't supposed to know about Vampires" stated Dahlia, still in shock at today's twist in events. "It's like the Volturi's only rule".

Sage flicked her eyes away from Edward and Bella, who were still making their way across the busy car park, and over to the rest of the Cullen's.

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