Unlikely Acquaintances

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Sage managed to get to English with a minute to spare. Though that didn't stop Mr Robinson from shooting her a dirty look as she entered; Sage was sure he had it out for her.

Advanced English was one of the classes Sage liked, she didn't care much for the teacher but she shared this class with her friend Noah. It also helped that she already knew everything on the syllabus, even if she was taking a class meant for seniors.

"After the last lessons....demonstration from Cameron and Noah, we will be having a new seating plan going forward this term".

The class groaned, partly because no one wanted a change to the current seating plan, and partly because most of them had already sat down.

9am on a Monday morning was not the time to be doing things like this.

Sage smiled at the memory of the last lesson and looked over to Noah, who looked thoroughly pleased that the prank had been so legendary it had such consequences. Cameron ( a quiet shy boy who sat next to him) on the other hand looked
absolutely mortified. In all honesty Sage was suprised Noah had corrupted the boy into such shenanigans.

"Quiet down. I'll read out your names and point you to your assigned desk. In silence, please".

Sage rolled her eyes and promptly zoned out. Which was hard, because she could hear everything, well almost eveything. She couldn't hear on the exact same level of a Vampire but well enough for her to hear the scratching of pens in the classroom over. Sage tried to let all noise tumble into each other and build into a white static she could get lost in.

"Sage Hallow, Rosalie Hale, Desk 8 please".

Well, guess that's the end of that.
Sage swallowed a groan. Could this day get any worse? Wait let's not jinx it.

At least the table was at the back of the room. Sighing, She made her way over, glancing at the blonde vampire as she moved.

The only way Sage could think to describe Rosalie Hale was flawless. Her hair moved like molten gold over her shoulders and she stood tall and proud as she walked across the room, all eyes drawn to her as she commanded the space.

And of course it would have been easy for Sage to blame Rosalie's beauty on her vampirism, but even a blind man would've been able to tell that Rosalie Hale was just as beautiful when she had been human.

Sage sat down, got out her books and elected to ignore the vampire now sitting next to her. She personally had nothing against Rosalie, or the Cullen's (for the most part) besides the fact that they kept putting their noses into her family's business where it didn't belong. And, in general, to the Hallow family, Vampires were the definition of 'not my monkey not my circus'.


Sage stifled a sigh. Why couldn't they just have silently agreed on sitting in silence. Sage would have sat and pretended that Rosalie wasn't sucking the life out of Bambi every wednesday morning, and Rosalie could have sat there and pretended like she wasn't bothered by the Hallow sisters confusing presence.

Sage turned to face the girl (who was openly studying her) and replied politely, "Hey".

It was a riveting conversation.

Rosalie, not dissuaded by Sage's slightly cold reply, took her response as an invitation to begin a conversation with the girl.

"I'm Rosalie... we've never really talked before".

Sage wanted to reply that's been on purpose but instead she said "I'm Sage. And yeah, I guess our paths haven't needed to cross before now".

Rosalie smiled a little at the girl and added "This lesson's pretty boring".

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