030 | campi di fragole

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The plane had touched down in your hometown after an exhausting flight from Milan. Nervous anticipation grasped you with each passing minute, knowing that Bada was about to meet your parents for the first time. Carrying suitcases and bags, you walked toward the airport's entrance, glancing up at Bada, as you pointed at your parents, who reciprocated the gesture with warm smiles as soon as they spotted you.

You hugged your mom first, followed by your dad, while Bada lingered behind you, extending her hand to greet them.

"I'm Bada Lee. Nice to meet you." She introduced herself, and a subtle undertone of nervousness was evident in her voice.

Your mom warmly embraced Bada. "Wow, you're so tall!" She laughed. "Y/N told me she invited you to come here, and I am so grateful to meet the friend my daughter made in Italy." She released Bada, casting a curious look in your direction.

Locking eyes with Bada, she smiled nervously and gave a subtle nod, silently granting permission for you to share the nature of your relationship. "Well... I actually wanted to tell you something about that." You began, turning your attention to your mom and dad. "She's my girlfriend."

A moment of stunned silence lingered before your dad spoke. "Bada, welcome to the family." He said with a soft smile. "Just treat my daughter right, okay? She's the most precious thing in my life, and I would hate to see her cry again."

"Sir, I promise I will make her happy and treat her right." Bada responded honestly. "I'll never break that promise."

"I'm happy my daughter and you are together." Your mom reassured you with a soft smile. "Let's go home, so I can cook something for you two lovebirds. You both must be tired."

You and Bada nodded simultaneously, and your dad helped Bada with the suitcases as you exited the airport, making your way toward the car. The realization that Bada had finally met your parents sank in, and you were eager to show her your home and everything you loved about your hometown. In the comfort of your dad's car on the way home, you and Bada held hands while your mom recalled embarrassing stories from your childhood, and Bada could not help but laugh along. As the car pulled into your driveway, a profound sense of ease enveloped you, acknowledging how much you had missed your home.

Bada helped you in bringing the suitcases upstairs to your room while your parents prepared dinner. Upon opening the door to your room, Bada took a moment to analyze the decor and furniture, absorbing the essence of your room. After closing the door behind you, you walked over and casually dropped onto your bed.

"I missed my bed so much." You said, grabbing your pillow. "Welcome to my home, Bada."

"Your room is so you, so pretty." Bada remarked, settling onto your bed and mimicking your movements by allowing her body to fall into the mattress.

You drew closer to Bada, positioning a hand at the side of her head to support your body. Slightly lifting yourself, you gazed at her, looking at the soft features of her face in the dimness of your room, with only the sunset's glow seeping through the windows. Bada, placing her hand on the small of your back, relishing the moment, as it was a dream come true for her, as she had been having thoughts about kissing you in the intimacy of your room.

"Bada." You murmured, captivated by her beauty. "You're the love of my life." Your hand gently caressed her bare face, fingers tracing delicate lines as you moved closer to her lips.

"Am I?" She asked, almost breathless.

You nodded, affirming. "You already know it." Softly brushing your lips against hers, you felt the warmth of the moment enveloping you.

"Doll, just kiss me already." She playfully urged, gently guiding your body down to close the gap between you.

Merging into the kiss, you continued to hold her cheek, and you intertwined your legs with hers. As you parted, you placed a quick, loving kiss on her lips and another on her forehead.

"You're the love of my life too." Bada confessed.

"Y/N, food is almost ready!" Your mom's voice echoed from downstairs.

Giggling, you and Bada rose from the bed and opened the door, making your way downstairs and into the dining room.

"Ma'am, do you need help with anything?" Bada kindly offered.

Your mom turned and handed Bada a plate of food. "You can help me by placing the plates on the dining table, please dear."

As you poured the drinks and arranged the glasses on the table, everyone took their seats. You settled next to Bada, the thought of eating a home cooked meal making your mouth water.

"So, how did you two meet?" Your dad inquired, taking a sip of his drink.

Giggles ensued between you and Bada as she ate a bite of her food. "Well, it's a long story."

"Oh, I want to hear it all!" Your mom exclaimed with a warm smile. "Especially how you fell in love."

[ thank you for reading this, i can't believe it's over :( i loved writing this so much, this has been my favorite work i've ever made. i created the original idea for strawberry fields almost a year ago, and i finally finished it!! i cant believe it... thank you for all the support <3 i also made a playlist inspired by strawberry fields hehe here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4hSUlbt3HIxDNdTHQdNQhG?si=34c839f060fd4a6f if you ever want to reread it while listening to it <3 ]

strawberry fields | bada leeWhere stories live. Discover now