027 | i prayed and god listened

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After finishing your meal, you and Bada exited the restaurant hand in hand, making your way toward the chapel. The anticipation in the air was palpable- Bada's nervousness made her squeeze your hand. As you walked in silence, nearing the chapel, a sense of suspense settled in, not in an unpleasant way, but rather as a craving to hear what she had to say.

"Bada, I'm nervous." You admitted, the words escaping your lips without thinking about them twice.

"Imagine me." She chuckled, glancing back at you as you continued walking. "We're so close to the chapel now." Bada's grip on the shopping bags tightened. She knew that you felt the same way- however, her anxiety derived from the novelty of the experience, as it was her first time feeling this way.

Bada and you entered through the open doors of the cathedral, revealing a scenery that provoked you to murmur in awe. The small cathedral was a work of art, from its high ceiling to the paintings, stained glass windows, and religious sculptures- a breathtaking combination. You let go of her hand to venture further into the space. The soft lighting and the lack of people enhanced the experience, revealing a level of beauty you had never before encountered.

While you had seen photos of the chapel, seeing it in person was an entirely different sensation. "Bada, it's stunning!" You exclaimed, turning around to find Bada taking photos with her phone.

"I told you." She remarked, her gaze shifting from her phone's screen to meet yours. "It's just as beautiful as you."

"Shut up." You replied quietly, peeking at Bada's phone, knowing that she was documenting more than just the architecture- you were the subject of her lens.

Taking a moment to look at the beauty in every corner, you and Bada explored the small cathedral. Once you had finished looking around, you stepped outside to look at the fountain. Bada placed the shopping bags on the ground, positioning her phone against them with the camera app open, so she could film a video.

"Come here." She signaled. You walked a bit further away so both of you could fit into the frame. You got up on your tiptoes, kissing Bada's cheek.

"We look so cute together." You stated, gesturing towards Bada's phone.

Bada took your hand, playfully spinning you, making you giggle. After a quick kiss, she grabbed her phone. "I'll treasure this video forever." She said.

Caught up in the joy of the moment, you suddenly remembered that Bada had not told you what she wanted to say. Getting closer, you sat by the edge of the fountain, making sure the shopping bags were between your feet, and she sat by your side. "You haven't told me yet, and we're already at the cathedral." You reminded her.

Bada glanced to the side, nervously biting her lip. "You really don't forget, huh?"

You shook your head, smiling reassuringly and reaching for her hand. "Bada, I know you're nervous, but you can tell me anything, okay? You already know how I feel about you."

The moment Bada locked eyes with you, you understood. It felt surreal, pure, and innocent, all reflected in the sparkle of her eyes and the warmth of her smile. You shared the same emotions: affection, care, and an overwhelming feeling of pure love.

"There are two things I want to tell you." She revealed. "But I'll start with what I've been dying to say out loud."

Leaning in attentively, you spoke. "Tell me, Bada."

She intertwined her fingers with yours, gently caressing your hand with her thumb. "I could dance around it with words, but you know me, I believe actions speak louder. I just... I feel like you're the one. Meeting you and experiencing what we have, it's unlike anything else I felt. It might have started as a simple coincidence of us meeting in Potenza, but I can't believe this is where I found you- this is where I found the love of my life." Bada tilted her head, captivated by your smile. "I love you so much."

Without hesitation, you hugged her tightly, and she reciprocated by placing her hands on your lower back. "Bada, I love you too."

Gently pulling back, you admired Bada's smile, more meaningful than ever before, her cheeks slightly flushed, and her eyes shining. Bada gave you another kiss, patting your back gently. "I love you so much. Thank you for showing me what love really feels like."

"Bada, thank you for proving that love doesn't have to make me anxious." You said, hugging her again. "I'm so happy." You added with a joyful remark.

In the embrace of your hug, Bada melted, holding you close. "I'm happy too." She said. "The other thing I want to tell you, I don't know how you'll react, it's kind of a sensitive topic for you."

You tilted your head, slightly confused. "What is it?"

"I think we've explored all Potenza has to offer, and after tomorrow, when we visit the strawberry fields, I'd like us to go somewhere else." Bada explained.

"Huh, where are we going?" You asked.

"If you don't feel ready, it's fine- I can postpone the train tickets." She reassured. "I booked us tickets to go to Milan. I know you mentioned you couldn't face what you lost, but I want you to have a good memory of the city."

Bada looked at you, trying to gauge your emotions. Though you gently smiled, your teary eyes hinted at the emotions you felt. For a moment, she feared she might have crossed a line. Just as she was about to speak, you began. "Bada, I can't believe you're this attentive." You rested your head on her shoulder, a tear streaming down your cheek. "Of course, I want to go with you. I want to explore Milano by your side."

"And I might have something else planned in Milan." Bada giggled. "I know how much you like fashion, so I pulled every string I could and gathered help from artists and people I've worked with in Korea, and I got us a spot to go see Milan Fashion Week."

Pulling away from Bada, you looked at her in disbelief. You placed a hand over your mouth, overwhelmed. You were going to Milan, the city that had once offered you a scholarship for your passion, the city you could have lived in- but it all came crashing down because of a girl. Now, you were going to see your biggest dreams come to life while exploring the city with the girl you loved.

"You're joking, Bada Lee." You managed to say. "What did I even do to deserve this?"

"I told you, I want to make you happy." She said, placing her hand on your head and gently pushing you back onto her shoulder. "I just love you so much."

"Bada, I can't believe you." You said as you tried to process her words.

"Believe it, princess." She responded, pressing a kiss atop your head.

You giggled as happiness overcame the initial shock. "First, you tell me you love me, then you tell me we're going to Milan, and then you tell me we're going to Fashion Week?" You said. "You want to kill me, Bada. Give my heart a break." You spoke as Bada let you raise your head from her shoulder.

Bada laughed, making eye contact with you. "I'll never give your heart a break."

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