026 | can't look away but it's hard to watch

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Bada and you casually strolled through the busy city center- you entered a clothing store, and as you carefully looked at the racks, your eyes were drawn to a pink ruffled dress. You grabbed it and turned to show Bada, who stood behind you.

"Isn't this pretty?" You asked, and she responded with a nod and a warm smile. "I'm going to try it on. Not sure if it'll fit well."

Locating the fitting rooms, you left Bada waiting patiently outside. While slipping into the dress, you admired your reflection in the mirror, pleased with how well it looked.

You got out of the fitting room. You twirled around, asking Bada. "How does it look?"

"It looks really pretty on you." Bada responded.

Although Bada responded positively, she seemed a bit distant, her usual attention diverted. Concerned by her unusual demeanor, you went back to the fitting room and changed into your clothes. As you stepped out, Bada held a pair of black jeans.

"Are you buying those?" You asked, trying to overlook her strange behavior.

"Yes, I liked them." Bada replied, holding the jeans. "Give me your dress, I'll pay for it." She insisted, extending her hand.

You shook your head. "No, not again!" You chuckled as Bada grabbed the dress.

Despite you saying no, Bada proceeded to the counter, paying for both items and grabbing the shopping bag. Exiting the store, Bada's odd attitude persisted, an air of nervous overthinking surrounding her actions.

Bada gestured towards another store. "Let's go inside." She suggested.

Upon entering, you noticed the hesitancy in Bada's every move. "Bada!" You called out.

She turned to face you, and you could not ignore the uncertainty in her expression. "What's going on?" You asked. "You seem a bit nervous."

"It's nothing." Bada replied, but her attempt to brush it off didn't escape your notice. "I just wanted to tell you something, but I'll tell you in the cathedral."

"If it's 'nothing,' then why the nerves?" You pointed it out. "Is it something serious?"

Every time someone hesitated to share something important, your mind raced with countless scenarios. The suspense made you anxious, as you tended to overthink every possible outcome.

"No, it's not serious, but I guess it's making me a bit nervous to say it." Bada confessed with a gentle smile.

A wave of relief washed over you, realizing it might not be as bad as your imagination had painted. Perhaps, you thought, she was going to share something you also wanted to tell her.

Bada drew near, placing a kiss on your forehead and playfully ruffling your hair. "Bada!" You exclaimed, giggling. "You're messing up my hair." You gently fixed your hair.

"You're silly for overthinking things with me." She said with a smile. "I'm just a bit nervous because I want everything to be perfect."

As you and Bada continued looking around, the sight of the jewelry section caught your eye. An employee approached, showing various pieces- a silver ring adorned with a small gem caught your attention. The employee noticed your interest and showed it to you.

Turning to face her. "It might sound cheesy, but what if we get matching rings?" You pointed at the ring.

"Cheesy?" Bada chuckled. "Absolutely, let's do it."

You smiled as you addressed the employee. "Posso avere due anelli uguali?" You requested two identical rings.

The employee helped you and Bada try on different sizes, ensuring a perfect fit. Bada was happy, seeing your joy reflected in your smile. After paying for the rings and handing the bag to Bada, you both exited the store, only to be interrupted by the grumble of your hungry tummy.

"My angel is hungry." Bada teased, and you responded with a playful hit to her arm. "Any restaurant in mind?"

"I heard Al Duomo has fantastic food." You suggested. "And it's close by."

"Lead the way." She said with a smile.

You took your phone from your purse to look for the route, and hand in hand, you and Bada headed towards the restaurant. As you approached, Bada held the door open for you, and you entered. A waiter greeted you, guiding you to a table near a window and giving you the menus.

Glancing through the simple menu, you settled on a ravioli dish. "What are you thinking of ordering?"

"I'm a bit lost." Bada admitted with a chuckle, eyeing the entirely Italian menu without familiar words like pasta or pizza.

You laughed, realizing her difficulty. Taking on the role of the interpreter, you explained the menu to her. Eventually, she decided on a steak with garlic bread and suggested you order a small jar of lemonade. When the waiter returned to take your order, you handed back the menus.

"Bada, I''ve got a plan." You shared, gazing at her.

"Yeah? I'm all ears." She leaned in closer. "Just hoping it's not the same plan."

Your eyebrows furrowed, and Bada smiled. "Tomorrow, let's go again to the strawberry field." The waiter interrupted with the jar of lemonade, pouring two cups, and you thanked him. "I want us to go because I also have something to share, and I hope it's the same thing." You added with a giggle.

"Well, I hope it is." Bada replied, biting her lip. She gently grabbed your hand, giving it a small squeeze. "I hope it is, angel." She reiterated.

"What if it is?" You asked, a curious concern in your voice about the possibility of having the same plan.

"Then I'll tell you first, and after that, we can keep saying it again and again, not just tomorrow but every day." Bada reassured you.

strawberry fields | bada leeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang