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once the doors opened, i readied myself for the wave of fans that would flood in. i was ready for the show, all my test shots taken. people started getting in the pit, respectfully leaving space for me to work. i was taking a sip of my water when i heard a voice call my name. "tiana?" said a girl with blue hair, unfamiliar to me.

"hello," i said a little reluctantly, but kindly.

"i've seen your posts, your photos are sick," she said, which took me by surprise.

"oh! wow, thank you," i replied, smiling at her. "what's your name?" the girl was beaming.


"that's such a pretty name. nice to meet you, ellie."

"do you maybe mind taking a picture with me?" ellie asked, hesitantly.

"oh, not at all!" i stood close to her as she pulled her phone out, both of us smiling as she took the picture.

"thank you so much!"

"yeah, no problem. enjoy the show," i told her before she went back to her place a little further from me in the pit. this little moment would definitely stay with me for the rest of the tour. the show started shortly and i got to work. i was taking photos during 'call me what you like' when i noticed will through my camera lens, looking at me. i lowered my camera to see more clearly.

id like to think that im, the only guy she'll see tonight

his gaze was directly on me during that part of the song, which made me wonder if people noticed. i tried to ignore it and continued taking pictures.

and you can kiss the skin from my lips if it makes you feel good

not a good idea to stare at him during that part. my cheeks were most definitely red.

I'm not sure if you want it ,Not sure if you need me too

,more gazing at me. i didn't know how i'd make it out of there sane. the song soon ended and will introduced the next song. before he started singing, he smiled in my direction. this was gonna be a long show.


"how did we do?" i looked up at will from my seat backstage when he came over to me, after being done with their set.

"great, as always," i replied, feeling myself blush a little, still not over the previous events of the night.

"yeah? how did you like 'call me what you like'?" he asked, raising his eyebrows expectantly. i shot him a downward smile.

"i loved it." he smiled back.

"good," was all he said, before winking at me and walking away.

i was left with my mouth agape and cheeks blushing furiously.


"i don't know what it is. it's like my cheeks have a command to go red when he appears," i told liam. we'd been on the phone for over an hour at night, since i'd come back to my hotel room after the concert.

"gosh, i ship it so badly," liam said, full of energy, being the night owl he is.

"you and leandra and zoe," i went on, chuckling with the fact that all my friends thought the same thing.

"i like them already."

"what can i say. i know how to pick friends."

"more like they're forced to be around you."


"love you too." i was about to respond when there was a knock on my door.

"uh, there's someone at my door," i told liam as i got up from where i was laying in bed, a tank top and pyjama shorts on.

"i bet it's him." i walked up to the door and opened it.

there stood will, in a white t-shirt and dark grey sweatpants, his acoustic guitar in one hand. "um, yeah. i'll text you later," i quickly told liam, hanging up before i could hear hiam squeals.

"is it a bad time?" will asked once i removed my phone from my ear.

"no, no. come in." i gestured for him to enter the room and he did.

"you in the mood for some guitar?" he asked after he sat it down in front of the bed.

"definitely," i said, sitting back on the bed and patting the seat in front of me, just like he did the previous morning. he sat down, and started strumming his guitar.

"play me a song," i suddenly said, not really thinking about it, until after i said it.

will looked up from his guitar and into my eyes, which crinkled. "okay. which song do you want?"

"one of yours." he seemed to think for a moment, before settling on one.

said i'd understand when i'm older said i'd understand the things they do falls asleep on his shoulder in the break room

i remembered this song, but not every lyric. so i put all my attention on will, listening intently and looking at him. he was looking back at me, breaking eye contact sometimes to look at his guitar. and you think that it gets better just you wait until next week his voice was a little gruff, due to the non-stop singing for the show. you're keeping a dark secret but you're talking in your sleep once he was done, he smiled at me. "so?" he brought me out of my trance, reminding me to say something.

"i loved it," i said honestly. all that he's said and done these days has been making me more confident. that made him smile wider.

"good." a pause. "back to you now. 'maybe i was boring'."

i smiled. "alright."

DO I WANNA KNOW? II wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now