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there was half an hour until the concert now. i was backstage, checking to make sure my camera was alright, so i could get the best pictures, when i got a phone call.

"liam! hello!" i exclaimed, as soon as i picked up. liam was my best friend. the only friend i'd stuck with for so long. we met in our first year of uni, both of us majoring in photography. we had both been very lost and confused on our first day there, so we decided to stick together. and we instantly clicked. he's seen the pretty, the ugly, everything about me, and vice versa.

"hi! did you forget about me now that you're famous and still absolutely perfect?"

i laughed. "definitely not famous and definitely didn't forget about you. everything kinda happened fast but i was literally just gonna text you."

"in sync once again. anyway, how's tour?" liam asked, excitement laced in his tone. "don't think i wasn't going to mention your recent post."

i chuckled nervously. "yeah, tour's been great. we went to a cat café and i'm letting you know that we are a thousand percent going there together when i see you again. it was incredible!"

"okay, cat lady." i giggled internally. that's what will had said.

"don't ignore what i said about the post, though! whats up with you and the lead singer, huh?"

"shut up, liam. absolutely nothing, what else do you want to know?"

"well, he's cute. you should totally try something." i could basically see him wiggling his eyebrows. my eyebrows, on the other hand, furrowed at his words.

"have you met me? i pratically explode the second he says a word to me or calls me sweetheart. i can barely flirt to save my life."

"that can be fixed." i bit my lip.

"do you know what, actually. he did offer to teach me how to play the guitar when i mentioned that i always wanted to learn. i didnt think he would offer but he did."

"what?" liam screamed. "are you kidding? you don't just offer that to someone. i mean, who would want to spend time out of their lives to teach somebody an instrument for free?"

"true. man, i don't know. i doubt that it's anything that deep though. i'm definitely out of his league."

"you did not just say that. gee, tiana, you're hotter than sahara desert. just saying."

i laughed again. "thanks for the confidence boost liam, ill be sure to keep that in mind. anyway, i gotta go now, the doors are opening in a bit. i'll text you later, okay?" i started making my way to the stage, so i could go down the stairs to the pit.

"alright, alright. remember that you're hot!" he basically shouted at my ear, causing me to distance my phone from it.

"yeah, you remember that too, liam. bye!" i waited for him to say goodbye, before hanging up.

i made it to the stage, stopping to wish the band good luck, then took my place at the very front of the pit, which was going to start filling with people very soon. i readied my camera, taking a few test shots. i was extremely nervous, hoping they would turn out like the ones i took my first time.

once i knew i was ready, i relaxed and waited for the show to begin. i was gazing at the band, when it was time for them to go backstage. will noticed me and flashed a smile, which i returned along with a small wave. maybe liam was right. maybe i should try something. unless i've been getting the signs wrong. then that would be embarrassing. really embarrassing.


the concert started and i got to work. i took individual photos of everyone, as well as group photos. i captured the moments when will would go close to either joe or ash and they would play their respective instruments. my personal favourite photos were the ones i took of will during call me what you like. his performance for that song nearly made me giggle like a schoolgirl with a crush. its defenitley one of my favourite songs of theres.

when the show ended, i went backstage. i got a weird sense of deja vu, from the first show of theirs that i was at. i just hope their reactions to the photos are the same. they all noticed me this time, though.

"tiana! how were we?" said joe when he saw me.

"hello! you guys were awesome. and the photos turned out just perfect. wanna take a look?" i held my camera with one hand, pointing at it with the other. they all gathered behind me once again, and i started showing them all the photos of the day. i had just switched to a photo of the entire band when will spoke in my ear. he was standing right next to me, which i was trying to ignore.

"wait, go back," he said, sending chills down my spine and my face heat up. i went back to the previous photo which was one of him with his head thrown back during consequences. "leave some beauty for the rest of us," mark joked, which earned a laugh from me.

"honestly," i scoff. i glanced at will. his cheeks had a slight pink tint to them.


after packing up and leaving the venue, nobody wanted to go back to the hotel yet. we were aimlessly walking around the dark, chilly streets of london, searching for something to occupy our time with. ash thought it was a good time to get some content for his vlog. he put the camera in front of me. i was zoned out, so he surprised me, causing me to raise my eyebrows.

"woah, hello vlog," i said, giggling. he then turned the camera to himself. then back to me, then to will, who was walking right behind him.

"hello," willl said in the most monotonous voice i'd ever heard.

"wow, tone it down with the excitement, william. didnt know you were so happy," i said, giggling. he seemed to smirk at my comment and turn his head to me.

"i just don't like ash, sweetheart," he kept the monotony in his voice, addressing me by a name that made my face heat up and turn away to look at ash.

"don't be mean, ash is very cool," i defended.

"i'm cooler. dont you agree?"

"that's debatable, if you ask me," i joked.

he gasped and stared at me. "who's being horrible now?"

"not me, i'm an angel."

"that's what they all say."

"what does that even mean?" i scoff.

i couldn't hold in my laughter anymore, so i doubled over, my hand clutching my stomach. soon enough, will joined in, along with ash, who was filming our banter this whole time. we were forced to pull ourselves together when mark ushered us to walk.

DO I WANNA KNOW? II wilbur sootحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن