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photographing for lovejoy. something that i never thought i would be doing.
but here i am stood at the very front of the crowd, camera in hand and ready to capture one of my favourite moments.

lovejoy recently put out a post looking for a photographer at their brighton show and i replied straight away. it was good pay and i've always wanted to photograph a band before. i've never heard of them before or any of the band members a matter of fact.

when i came in, i saw two guitarists, a drummer, two trumpeters and a bassist. i hadn't met them yet either as the concert was soon to start.

i put my camera up to my face, as the band members entered the stage area. the trumpeters came in first, as they took their place at the back. then out came the drummer, who sat at his stool and started cheering loudly. the bassist and guitarist came out next, both waving and clapping at the audience, and, lastly out came the other guitarist, who i realised was the lead singer as he took his place at the very front of the stage. he started talking to the crowd but that wasn't what had my attention.

he was wearing a white button down shirt with a burgundy sweater over the top. his brown curls fell perfectly over his, soon to be sweaty, forehead. the way he spoke so naturally to the crowd amazed me. he seemed to have done this millions of times before. i was fascinated by him. i took in every detail about him.

i was soon knocked out of my daydreaming by the loud cheers of their fans, helping me realise what i was really here for.
they played multiple songs (which i definitely need to listen to more) and said a few words to the crowd, soon after saying goodbye.

now it was time for the most nerve wracking part. meeting the band. i had obviously expected to do this, but after my daydreaming about the lead singer, i was very much nervous. all of the photos i took were decent(to me) and hopefully they agree. obviously if i was to edit them a bit they would be AMAZING, but i don't have time for that right now. i headed backstage, towards where i was meeting the band.

once i saw the band, the didn't seem to notice me as they were talking to each other. leaving me no option other than to interrupt them.

"uh, excuse me? hi," i said, probably a little too loudly, but it got their attention.

"oh! hello! you must be the photographer we booked?" some guy who i remember to be the drummer asked me.

"that would be me! i'm tiana, nice to meet you." i extended my hand out to him.

"i'm mark," he said as he shook my hand. "this is ash, joe and will," he addressed while pointing to the other guys around us. the guitarists joe, ash and the lead singer was will. "and this is zoe and leandra." and again pointed to the girls in the room who i remember as the trumpeters, who waved at me as i waved back. wilbur moved next to mark and showed me his had for me to shake.

"lovely to meet you, tiana," he smiled to me. "do you have the photos you took for us?" right. now i remember what i was even doing here in the first place.

"oh, yes i have them right here," i said as i pulled out my camera and passed it to them.

"i look absolutely fantastic in these, not going to lie to you," said joe, moving his face closer to the screen to get a better look.
"these are magnificent, tiana," ash complimented me.

"thank you! i can edit them if you want and then they'll be even better for you?" i said smiling.

"are you joking? have you seen the photos yourself? they don't need a hint of editing! not even a little," wilbur laughed. i so badly wanted to cover up my face as i could feel my cheeks burning up, but that would make it so very obvious.
"you're all being too kind! are you sure you don't want me to edit it even a bit?" i shrieked.

"no, no, no tiana! you're probably one of the best photographers we have ever had for our shows! obviously photos always have their imperfections but i can tell you right now that these photos are perfect! would you consider working at our other gigs too? just to prove how good you are?"

"other gigs?! that would also mean travelling a lot wouldn't it? and are you sure you would even want me to join along with you?" i couldn't even believe it. they wanted me to join them on their other shows. and that's alot of shows.

"of course we want you! you need to take a look at them photos yourself a bit closer if you don't thinks they are great! it could really be arranged for you too come along! it would br really good if you came with us," mark insisted, making me giggle a bit.

i paused to think. going with them would mean travelling. do i really want to do that? that also means spending alot of time with them. "i would love to! if all of the travelling can be arranged then i guess i am free!" i didnt guess i know i was free, i normally spend my time in bed or talking to liam. i mean travelling with a band, earning money and more friends. that can definitely be arranged.

"then its settled. youre coming with us!"

they all cheered. "you guys are hyping me up too much! they surely werent that good." i said to them which caused their cheers to die down.

"oh come on tiana! your photos are amazing and we need you if we want to get any half decent photos for our shows. you deserve it." will told me, which caused me to blush, hopefully going unnoticed.

"would you like me to send you over all the details about gigs and where they are?" ash asks me, with a giant smile on his face.

"of course! thank you so much! ill give you my number," i say passing him my phone. " it was lovely meeting you all but i have to go now! i cant wait to see you soon!" i said taking my phone back and walking away. they all replied with loud 'bye!' or 'see you soon!'. with that i left.

walking out the building i had a lot of thoughts in my mind. were my photos really that good? was it a bad idea to say yes? what if they see my full personality and start to dislike me? i guess ill just have to wait and see.

DO I WANNA KNOW? II wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now