Chapter 15: The Talk

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My eyes flutter open and I lean in bed, before eventually standing up and stretching out my body. I go to my wardrobe and throw on my uniform and bandanna like I normally do. I then attach my sheath to my belt then attach my belt, before sliding my dagger into its sheath. As I was doing so my phone chimes with a notification.

I pick up my phone curiously an anonymous number has texted me. "Hello Mr. Snow, this is your professor and I'd like to see you before you head to the training grounds. Don't worry you're not in trouble or anything, I just need to speak with you briefly before class begins. Thank you, and hopefully see you soon." I nod to the message then step out of my area and shockingly find Austin doing the same.

"Well good morning Darius, What are you doing up so early?" I laugh, "did you forget? We were gonna go in a little early so we can get a head start on training." He laugh, "well I didn't forget, but it's still really early." I nod, "oh well my professor wants to see me before class begins." He nods, "aw that's a coincidence, teach asked me to do the same." I nod, "well do you wanna walk together down?" He nods and we both head down together.

While we walk down to the ground floor I'm surprised to see both Demetrey and Cyrus. Cyrus looks at me with a bit of anger as he quickly turns and walks towards the lightning building. Demetrey looks at me and waggles his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and continue to do so as his persistence has become rather annoying. "Well good morning beautiful, did your teacher ask for you to meet with them?" I'm a bit shocked as he tells me that, "well yeah I'm assuming all of the teachers are asking for their chosen one to swing by before practice." I look down at the ground in thought, but it was cut short as I feel the intensity from Austin staring down Demetrey."

I shake my head, "we don't have time for this. Put your feelings behind you so we can go to our teachers." I walk past them and quickly make my way towards the ice building. I step into the building where I see Professor. "You asked to see me?" He nods, "please sit for a moment, I just need to go over a few things with you." I nod to him as I take a seat.

He takes a deep breath, "ok first off the lesson plan for today that you're gonna be missing. It's a pretty major one so I wanted to fill you in on it." I look to him a bit questioning, "ok what is it?" He smirks, "well it's pretty simple, do you remember your magical item?" I nod to him as I look down at my dagger still sheathed. "Well all magical items store magic that part of class is still true, but they also have magical abilities themselves." I look at him in shock,"what? Are you serious right now?" He nods, "yes and it's my job to tell you the capabilities of your dagger which is still remarkable." I nod then look at him listening carefully to what he has to say.

"Mr. Snow your dagger is capable of changing its form to any weapon you prefer. It can even change in the midst of battle, and all you gotta do is say the weapon you most desire in that moment. This is particularly remarkable since your in the assassin class." I nod then look to my dagger in awe, "wow so what your saying is I have a shapeshifting dagger?" He nods then looks at me now the other important matter I needed to discuss with you.''

I looked at him as his entire mood changed. "The reason why we are springing this battle on you is simply because the magic world is experiencing something that rarely happens. As you may or may not know, the element magics are pure and given to us to fight evil. Well each of the elements have what is known as a deity and each of them have fallen ill and have called for all magical academies to find them a successor. These fights where about to put you through is simply to test to see if you're worthy. The ice deity Aurora Blizzard has personally contacted me to do this very thing." I'm speechless at what he has told me, "so wait the battles are simply to see if we're worthy of deity?" He nods, "yes and the deities are the pillars of strength and that's why we're doing a battle."

I can't believe my ears, "alright then, what do I need to do?" He smiles, "it's simple Mr. Snow all you have to do is your best in all of the fights that come your way." I nod to him then stand from my chair, "yes sir, I'll do my best so I can make you proud." He smiles, "I know you will Darius Sleet." I look at him shocked, "how did you?" He smirks, "I knew from day one, Darius. I didn't know why you would refuse the name Sleet, but I respect your decisions and haven't asked for anything but your best. With that all discussed I have to ask did you find a partner?" I nod to him, "yes he is a fire user and my roommate." He nods to me then says, "alright I'll report it at once, now run along to train with your partner." I nod then walk back out the door with a wave to the professor.

I then walk out towards the training area and as I do so I pull out my dagger and smile at it, "so that's why you respond to me talking, you're listening for a weapon." The dagger glows then subsides quickly. I smile then place the dagger back in its sheath and continue towards the assassin training area.

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