Chapter 2: In Route to School

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I look at my bags as they sit at my closed door, that I refuse to open until my ride to this magical college arrives. The only thoughts that run through my mind are my sister, mom, and dad. I was always invisible to them until today all because of one simple snowflake that I made with my magic. I shake my head and look down at the center of my paw pad where another snowflake starts to form. For some reason that little snowflake makes me feel a little less horrible.

I sit at the edge of my bed when I hear a knock at the door. "Honey can we please just talk to you?" That voice is clearly my mother pleading with me. "No, you and dad always gave Delilah all of your attention and pretended I was invisible. So go give her more attention, I'll be out of all of your furs. You know what it will be even better if you just forget you even had a son, like you always do." I hear her sigh from the other side of the door, "please baby can you let us in to talk? I don't want you to go to school without at least talking to us first." I roll my eyes, "oh so now you want to talk to me. Still no mom, as a matter of fact I don't claim you as my mother anymore, and the same goes with dad and Delilah."

I can hear the shock in my mother's gasp as I then hear a chime from my phone. It's a text from my cab driver apps, "I'm in the driveway." I nod then pull on my backpack and grab my suitcase from in front of my door. "Please move out of the way, my rides here." I hear the halfhearted shuffle of feet before I open the door and make my way outside, but was stopped by dad and Delilah.

"Where the hell do you think you're going you ungrateful brat," Dad spits through bared fangs. I smirk at him, "don't worry I'm getting out of your fur, and relax I will remove all traces of you in my life as I expect you to do the same as me." He looks at me shocked before screaming, "what the fuck? So this is the thanks I get for providing food and shelter for you." I roll my eyes, "yeah dad it is, I only ate when Delilah here said she was hungry. I was forced to take the scraps basically, and as for the shelter thing I was a minor I had no choice."

He just stares at me before stomping away from me. Delilah stands there with her head down before finally speaking. "I'm sorry Darius, I never realized what a spoiled brat I am. I hope you can forgive me one day, but if you don't I would completely understand." I can't believe what I'm hearing so I just smile, "thank you Delilah." I pat her shoulder then walk past her and out the door. I don't want to hug her or show too much emotion because I'm still really pissed about everything. I know that I'll really have to do some soul searching about all of this.

I walk outside to the yellow car that has been waiting for me. I hold up my suitcase and the driver nods at me before popping the trunk. I put my things in the trunk then get into the car. "So where to kid?" I smile then say, "magical academy." The driver nods then puts the car in reverse and pulls out of the driveway and pulls down the road down and towards my new destiny. I don't look back because there is no reason why I should.


The driver pulls up to a very large building with seven other buildings around it. I get out of the car and begin pulling my things out of the car and pay the driver what I owe them. I turn towards the school and begin to slowly walk up towards the entrance. As I do I feel a wave of energy cross over me as I walk through the gate. When the energy fades I'm shocked to see a bunch of people walking about the buildings. Each one of them is wearing different colored uniforms. There are brown, white, blue, light blue, yellow, gray, and red uniforms all around and I figure it's due to their element magic.

I walk up towards the center building and find a desk sitting in front of the staircase. A lion anthro sits at the desk with a smile on his face as I walk up. "Hello there how may I help you?" I talk a swallow of air as I stagger to stay calm. "Yes today's my 18th birthday and I found out I have magic." The lion nods then says, "oh ok, so I assume your here to enroll?" I nod and he picks up a clip board and hands it to me, "please just fill out this form and I'll direct you to your dorm ok?" I nod then look at the form, all that's written on it is a simple full name, date, species, and element magic.

The only thing that I do differently is change my last name. A smile crosses my face as I write down my grandmother's maiden name, Snow. The lion smiles at me, "well welcome to Magical Academy Mr. Snow, I'm Snide and I'm a professor of wind magic basics." I nod to him as he then says, "oh and since you're an ice magic user, your classes will be in the baby blue building over there." I look at where he points and see the baby blue building. The crest above the door has a single snowflake in the center of a shield. I smile and nod to Snide then say, "cool so where is my dorm?" He nods then points his finger to the building behind him. "This is our dorm, all of the magic users here stay in the same dorms." I nod as he then hands me a key.

"So you will be roommates with the fire magic user Austin. Don't worry he seems like a good guy, he's been here for only a few weeks now." I nod then say, "alright thank you, I'll be heading to my dorm now." The lion stops me, "ok, but you might need this." He hands me a book along with a folder. "These are your assignments for your class. It goes in detail about the lectures you missed, since classes started a few weeks ago." I nod then head up to my new place feeling a little eager and nervous about meeting my new room mate.

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