Chapter 4: The 7 Buildings

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Austin and I walk out of our dorm and he immediately takes me towards a red building. "This will be where my classes are. This is the fire magic building, and since you don't have fire magic you won't be allowed inside." I nod then say, "oh that's alright, besides I don't think fire magic would work with me." He laughs, "yeah especially since they're complete opposites." I laugh a bit, "yeah that's right."

Austin smiles then walks over to another tall building. It's crest was one giant lightning bolt, "now what's this building?" Austin smiles, "this is the lightning magic users building. Both of us are not allowed inside this or any of the others except you and the ice magic building." I smile at the thought of my building, "so when will you take me to my building?" He wags his pawed finger at me, "not to fast wolf boy. We will get there in due time." I smirk, "somethings telling me you just want to spend time with me." He blushes then says, "no, I mean how else would you know which buildings you're allowed in and which you aren't."

I roll my eyes, "sure, now please continue." He nods as we walk up to a dark blue building. "This is the water magic building." Before he could say it I say it, "and we aren't allowed in there either." He laughs, "you catch on quick." I cross my arms, "I would hope so after what you just said." He nods as we walk past yet another building. This one his dark brown, "this is the ground magic building." I nod then he points to the building right across from the other building, "and that's the metal magic building I try to stay away from there. Nothing but hot heads and bullies go there."

I look at him a little confused and he just continues back on the tour. We walk up to another building where he stops at a white building. "This is the wind magic building and just like the rest we aren't allowed in here." I nod then walk on with him as he stands to the sides of the stairs. I look up at the light blue building and smile as I know this will be the building I learn about my magic. "This is my building right?" He nods and I take a step up the stairs. "Thank you Austin I'm gonna go inside and see what all I can." He nods, "that's another thing you have to do." I nod and continue inside.

Once I walk into the door I see a bunch of snowflakes with a crest around it everywhere. I smile at all of the things I'm gonna learn here. As I stand in the middle of the large hall a fox anthro with a rather large hat walks up to me. "Why hello there? I was told I would have a new student joining us as beginners to ice magic." I smile at the fox, "oh yes sir, I'm Darius Snow your new student." He smiles, "well I'll be your professor." He holds out his paw and I gladly take it. Once our hands connect a cold sensation surrounds us and a giant snowflake appears above us.

"Ah you will be an amazing ice magician." I smile at his compliment and then say, "thanks professor." He nods then walks me over to the front desk. "So Darius we will need to fill out all of your remaining paperwork really fast. First off do you have any fighting experience?" I look at him a bit put off. "Uhm sir I thought I was here to learn magic so I wouldn't have to learn how to fight?" He chuckles, "sure magic is an amazing weapon but what happens when your magic isn't working? That's why we also make it a point to learn how to fight both physically and magically."

I nod to him, "good now we got an understanding." I shake my head, "but no I don't know any kind of fighting style." He smiles, "well that's ok, see it as a chance to pick your personal fighting style out. We offer knight, assassin, barbarian, and shield style fighting classes." I look over the options and one really jumps out at me, but before I can speak. "Darius if you're open to suggestions, most of the ice magic is defensive magic. So most of our students that don't have any fighting knowledge choose to become a shield style fighter." I nod to him then smirk, "with all do respect Professor there is one that keeps jumping out at me, the assassin style."

He looks at me a bit confused then asks, "are you sure Darius? The assassin style requires a lot of stealth, patience, and quiet. Not to mention it's more of a attacker than defender." I nod to him, "I'm sure, honestly it feels like I waited my entire life to become an assassin." He nods with a smile then writes all of it on a clipboard sitting in front of him. "Alright, now we just have to find your magical item." I look at him even more confused as he looks at me. "Oh no worries Darius we haven't covered it in class yet so I don't expect you to know."

With a smile he writes something down on the paper before looking back up at me. "I think it would be best if you just choose yours when all the others do." I nod to him as he then skims the page in front of him. "So there is only one last thing we need to discuss." I nod to him and look him in the eyes and try to prepare for what's coming next. "How is your dorm treating you? Particularly your room mate." I'm shocked he would ask me something so simple. "Oh, Austin and I get along just fine honestly. He's a pretty chill guy." He smiles, "it's wonderful to hear that. Most of the time complete opposite elements magicians don't get along." I giggle, "yeah and there's nothing more different than fire and ice." The professor laughs at my comment, "very well put Darius."

The professor then stands up from his seat, "Alright then Darius that's everything I needed from your. How about you get back to the tour Austin was giving you." I look at him a bit star struck, "wait how did you know I was on a tour with Austin? When you just asked me how the dorm room situation is?" The professor smirks, "I'll tell you like I tell all of my classes, I will never ask a question that I don't know the answer to." My eyes go wide, "so wait you knew what I was gonna answer with from the beginning of the paperwork?" He smirks, "most of it, now run off now." I smile a creeped out smile as I run back out the door. "Creepy."

I then step back outside and look for Austin. I don't see him at first and instead see three guys grouped around something on the ground. Each of them are wearing a gray uniform, so that tells me their part of the metal magic building. I walk down towards them and immediately see Austin laying on the ground with a bloody nose.

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