Chapter 11: Sleets and Infernos

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I stand at the mirror of the bathroom and allow my emotions to subdue me. "What the fuck Darius? You need to calm down." I look at myself in the mirror, "why are you acting like this in the first place?" I don't know why I asked myself that because I know why. I have come to really enjoy Austin's company and that I guess turned into feelings for him. I don't know why but all I do know is that Austin has become more interesting to me in a romantic way. 

This feeling is so completely new to me. Of course I had crushes both online and real life thanks to puberty but this one is different. I turn on the tap and plunge my paws into the teeth chattering water and splash my face. I take a deep breath then dry my face off the best I can thanks to the fur. I then look into the mirror then take a deep breath before walking back out of the bathroom and to the futon, where Austin was waiting patiently with the movie still paused.

I smile at him as I take my seat beside him once again. He smiles back, "you ok? Your face is a little damp." I nod, "yeah I just decided to wash my face since it's getting late. I wanted to finish the movie then go straight to bed." He nods then says, "oh ok, well I'll go ahead and hit play." I smile as he hits the button and we sit close once again. 

Eventually his hand finds its way back around my shoulders. I can feel his short fur mingling with my longer fur, as he slightly strokes my shoulder. I won't lie, it's comforting and gives me a sense of security that I never truly had. Instead of backing away I moved even closer to him, leaving only a inch gap between us. I side eye his face and there is nothing but smiles as he looks away from the screen to look at me. His arm now adjusts so it's now draped over me, so it's now on the side of my chest. 

The movie starts nearing the ending and the protagonist finally kisses the guy he's been wanting since the beginning of the zombies. I smile and subconsciously lean on Austin. I don't know why but that's just my body's reaction to this sight. His arm tightens around me and as the credits roll we look at one another. His eyes gleam a powerful fiery red that draws me in even more. His smile is welcoming as our muzzles gradually get closer.

Right as our lips were about to make contact my mind pulled me back. Fear makes me pull back and stand up awkwardly once again. "So it's getting late I think I should be turning in. Tomorrow is the first day of Ice magic class after all." His smile falters, "yeah, same." I turned towards my area but before I did I turned back before he's able to get to his area. "Hey Austin?" He turns around with a bit of disappointment on his face. "I had fun watching a movie with you. Thank you, and maybe we can do it again?" He smiles brightly, "Of course Darius, and I like that idea." I nod then wave to him with a bit of a blush on my cheeks, "goodnight Austin, see you tomorrow." He nods, "goodnight Darius, sweet dreams."

I turn back and go into my area where I lay down and reflect on what just happened. It's pretty clear I'm torn between fear and connection. I know I really like him but the thing is I've never experienced true connection and the times I thought I had, it didn't end well for my feelings. I shove a pillow over my muzzle to get out my frustrations. I turn over and face my wardrobe as I think about everything. 

~ That Next Morning ~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm from my phone. I quickly turn it off then stretch with a yawn before getting up out of bed. I walk over to my wardrobe and get out my uniform for class. I casually change then tie my bandanna around my neck like I've done so many times before. I grab my bag then make my way out of my area and towards the door. "Hey Darius, wait up?" I turn and see Austin quickly walking towards me. "Good morning," I smile, "well good morning to you too." He nods then says, "do you want some company while walking out today?" I chuckle, "I would love Austin." He smiles then opens the door for me, "after you then." I blush then walk out of the door where he accompanies me all the way down to the campus grounds.

When we get to the entrance to the dormitory I see Brandon and Demetrey both leaning against the doorway. Brandon smiles, "hey Darius, you ready for ice magic?" I smile, "oh yeah." Then Demetrey looks at me, "oh how have you been sexy." I smirk then roll my eyes but I see Austin basically fuming at the ears at his advances. Austin then looks at me, "so who are they?" I quickly answered him, "oh I'm sorry. Austin, this is Brandon, a friend from ice magic class, and the other is Brandon's roommate Demetrey." I then look at the two of them, "and this is Austin my roommate." Brandon smiles, "it's very nice to meet you Austin." I look at Austin but he hasn't taken his eyes off Demetrey, and the same could be said of Demetrey. Electricity is basically flowing between them as they stare menacingly at one another. 

Brandon then grabs my wrist, "come on Darius we need to hurry before we're late." He begins pulling me away as I quickly turn and wave to Austin, "oh by Austin. I'll see you tonight, ok?" His eyes leave Demetrey to look at me with a smile, "alright sounds like a plan." I smile then turn back to hurry to class with Brandon.

~Once We're in Class~

We finally got to class just barely making it before time was up. We take our seats as the professor walks in. “Good morning to all of you. I bet your all excited to start magic class today." We all quickly nod and watch as the professor holds at his paw. Forming right in front of our eyes was a huge snowflake in the palm of his hand. "Now let's get to the good part." Brandon and I both smile at one another as we open our books and watch every little movement the professor makes.

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