Chapter 9: Assassin Fights

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Austin and I walk out to the training area, and shockingly there are only a few others here. He smiles, "see I'll get you trained in no time flat, not very many people choose this class. I nod then say, "oh that sounds promising." He nods then walks me up to a few other people. They look at me in awe as I notice that most of them are wearing white or yellow crests on their uniforms. "You didn't tell me that there were going to be so many wind and lightning users here." He snickers, "yeah most people pick the fighting style that best compliments their magic." I nod then say, "oh ok so we are the odd balls right?"

He nods then a tall older guy steps in front of all of us. "Alright everyone, I will be the supervisor for this fighting style." He's sporting pure white clothes and it practically screams wind users. "So everyone line up according to your magic please." We do as he says, and the lines for lightning and wind are much longer than the fire and ice lines. Which only had me in the ice line and Austin in the fire. "Ah this is nice we have a fire and ice user this time around." Everyone looks at Austin and I as the supervisor says that. I honestly can say this is very uncomfortable as he then walks up to both of us.

"Hey snow wolf." I quickly look at him, "yes sir?" He points at my dagger, "why do you already have a weapon?" I shake my head, "oh no sir, that is my magical item. It's not a weapon on that level." He nods, "well that's pretty close and convenient since the assassin style consists of small blades. Do you have any experience fighting there, what's your name by the way?" I quickly answer him, "oh I'm Darius Snow, and no sir I don't have any training in fighting." He nods then places a hand on his chin for a moment then says, "did you do any extracurricular activities in high school?" I nod my head then blush in embarrassment.

"Awesome what where some of the activities?" I look straight ahead as I say, "well I was in choir, band, and I also did gymnastics." Everyone but the supervisor and Austin begins to laugh loudly at me and I lower my head. "Everyone shut the hell up." Everyone quickly quiets down, "Darius here is more prepared to be an assassin than any of you." They all look shocked except one guy that stands in the lightning user line. "Yeah right. I could whoop his ass in a minute." The supervisor quickly walks over to him, "ah so you think you could kick his ass? What kinda activities did you do in high school?" The guy looks with pride as he says, "I was the star athlete at my school." The supervisor very noticeably shakes his head, "so your use to all eyes on you, and brute strength. Wow, the two opposite things that an assassin needs."

The supervisor steps up in front of all of us again, "Darius please come up here." I did as he asked even with a bit of nerves scaring me quite a bit. The supervisor then looks to the other guy, "what's your name super star?" The guy I finally see is a Jackal fur, "I'm Cyrus Shocks." The supervisor then says, "alright Cyrus please come up here." He basically jumps up beside me then looks out to all the others as I'm doing. The supervisor then says, "what better way to learn than action, so you are now going to spare. Before you get started I'll give all of you a piece of advice, go for the weak points of your opponents."

He then steps back and I watch as the jackal balls his fists. I take a step back and remember what he said about gymnastics. I stand casually as I watch my opponent. He steps towards me and throws a fist and I do a back bend to dodge the strike. I then complete the back bend with a flip making my feet strike his face. Once I get on my feet I see a bloodied nosed opponent. He wipes the blood from his face then angrily charges me. I side step then kick hard at the back of his leg. It makes him fall forward as I then just look at him on his knees. I'm surprised at myself as I then see him turn with a fist. It hits me in my abdomen as he then gets up and throws another punch that lands on the side of my face.

I land on my back and watch as he starts approaching me. I bare my fangs in anger and launch both of my feet into his stomach. When he backs up from the pain I quickly jump off the ground and ball my fist and strike him in the throat with all my might. I hear a gasp come from him as he tries to take a breath but can't. He then passes out due to no oxygen and the supervisor steps in, "winner Darius Snow. As all of you can tell, stature doesn't mean shit in assassin style combat. Cyrus here just learned that lesson the hard way." I look to Austin who is smiling and clapping to my victory."

"Darius here has been training all through high school and didn't even know it. Assassins are none for stealth and striking weak points in enemies, not for straight forward fights. Assassins are typically of smaller stature and don't have a chance against a more muscular opponent." He then points to me, "you're the prime candidate for assassin style, even with his ice magic." Everyone nods towards me as the supervisor then directs me back to my spot in line.

The supervisor then says, "alright today we are going to focus on hand to hand, with a sparring session. Then next time we meet we will focus on weapons training. So everyone pairs up, but now that Cyrus and Darius are spared already they are dismissed. They can go back to their room or stay and watch." I nod then walk over to the side and take a seat on the ground. Austin walks over to me, "you were awesome up there, Darius. I mean you really embodied the assassin style." I nod then say, "yeah but I still need quite a bit of training." He nods then says, "so are you gonna stay and watch?" I nod then say, "well of course I gotta support my roommate." He smiles then holds a thumbs up as he walks towards the others to find an opponent.

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