76. Fires of Passion.

Start from the beginning

Lee, although taken aback, couldn't press further. It seemed that y/n had changed in ways she hadn't anticipated, and it was a change that she would have to reckon with throughout the trip.

The family left the place and returned to their rooms, gathering for lunch in the farmhouse's dining hall. Eun selected a room right next to the couple's to keep a close watch on them, trying to discern whether their happiness was genuine or merely a facade. Meanwhile, the other two women chose rooms beside the older Kim couple.

Entering their room, Taehyung hugged y/n and gently planted a kiss on her forehead. "I'm so proud of you, my love," he whispered, and y/n managed a small smile. The presence of her family members made her uncomfortable, but she was determined not to let it ruin their trip, as she had promised her husband.

As y/n attempted to make her way downstairs after changing, to the kitchen and help with lunch, Taehyung suddenly turned into a playful and naughty husband. He grabbed her hand in the hallway, pulling her close. His mischievous smile hinted at his intentions.

He leaned in, planting soft kisses on her cheeks, lips, and neck, his hands tracing gentle patterns on her back. Y/n giggled, trying to maintain her composure, but Taehyung's antics were making it difficult. His lips continued their exploration, leaving a trail of warmth along her skin.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Taehyung continued his playful advances, showering Y/n with affection. But she wasn't having any of it. She gently pushed him away and gave him a stern look, shaking her head.

"Taehyung, if you keep this up, I won't let you hug me for the rest of the day," she warned, trying to sound serious.

Taehyung, pouting like a scolded child, retreated back to their room. Y/n couldn't help but laugh at his adorable antics as she continued on her way to the kitchen.

Y/n moved gracefully around the kitchen, helping the polite house staff set up lunch. Meanwhile, Taehyung sulked at the dining table, his pout refusing to fade. He stubbornly avoided looking at her.

As Y/n placed the dishes on the table, she couldn't resist the urge any longer. She quickly glanced around to make sure no one was watching, and then she leaned over and planted a sweet peck on Taehyung's cheek. His pout transformed into a delighted smile as he looked at her, his heart filled with warmth.

As the family sat down for lunch, Eun 's mother, grandmother, and Eun couldn't help but show their appetite. They piled their plates high with food, seemingly more interested in the delicious spread than the conversation.

During the meal, Taehyung's father directed a question toward Y/n, inquiring about her choice of specialization within her course. Y/n responded confidently, "Dad, I already made that choice at the beginning of the semester. I've chosen designing as my major."

His father nodded, intrigued. "Designing, you say? What does that entail?"

Y/n elaborated, "Dad, in the field of automobile engineering, we have various specializations to choose from. I opted for designing, which involves creating the external appearance of vehicles. Of course, we'll also study the inner workings, but my primary focus will be on the aesthetic and functional design."

As Y/n explained her choice of major to Taehyung's father, his mother and the other women listened with a mix of curiosity and surprise. They hadn't expected such a thoughtful and ambitious decision from Y/n.

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