001 | it is quiet here (can you hear me?)

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Italy is one of the main strawberry-producing countries in Europe, especially the region of Basilicata, a beautiful and historic part of southern Italy- that is covered in hectares of fresh and organic fruit and of alluring architecture. Yearly, a few tourists visit the capital Potenza- in order to get a taste of the tasty desserts made with delicate berries, heavenly made gelo di fragole, or a twist of the typical tiramisu topped with strawberry syrup and jam.

You found yourself at Palese Airport, embarking on your first solo vacation. Potenza had been your desired destination, as it is far from tourist spots, where you couldn't rely on English and had to face the challenge of speaking in Italian. As you stood there, a wave of nervousness washed over you, accompanied by a storm of hypothetical questions about your time in the country. The "what if?" scenarios flooded your mind- the thought of being isolated in a place where everything is unfamiliar was nerve-wracking. Despite the apprehension, you knew you had to confront this new adventure head-on.

Your first task was ordering a coffee because of the horrendous jetlag you were experiencing- you had traveled before but never left the country, so this was new.

You spotted a particular coffee shop inside the airport- it was full of people, so it must be good, right? You eyed the menu for a couple of minutes, they had a variety of options that seemed tasty and unique- nevertheless, they had a sweet strawberry bread and a latte that caught your attention. When it was time to order, you were fidgeting with your fingers- it made you tense, because you needed to speak Italian to a person that was not a teacher or classmate.

"Ciao, vorrei un pane alla fragola e un caffè con latte di soia, per favore." You said, with your heart almost pounding out of your chest. It was not that hard, you knew how to use your words in Italian, but could a Potentini understand?

"E' così?" The employee asked. You translated in your head- yes, that is it. "Saranno sei euro." The cashier smiled at you while waiting for you to pay.

You reached into your bag, retrieved your wallet, and carefully handed over the six euros. Deep down, a wave of enthusiasm washed over you at the realization that you had accomplished this seemingly simple task- ordering a coffee in a foreign language. It was a small achievement, but it filled you with happiness.

After placing your order, you settled into a seat and, while waiting for your coffee to cool, you took the first bite of the strawberry bread and instantly fell in love. The sweetness of the strawberry jam and the delightful chunks within the fluffy, airy bread was a divine mix, especially as it was still warm.

You snapped a picture of your meal and shared it on your Instagram story. You also texted your parents and friends to tell them you arrived in Potenza, receiving supportive messages wishing you a wonderful vacation and urging you to stay safe. It was almost surreal- you were alone in a foreign country for the first time, enjoying the breeze and a latte in the place where they were invented, eating the freshest strawberry bread. And all of this was just the beginning- what awaited you beyond the airport's doors?

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