Chapter 31

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A:N - to anyone who has made it this far , thank you for reading , I really appreciate your support! This is the chapter I'm sure you've been waiting for ;)

Rosie's POV

I should be concentrating on what's being said at the head of this meeting table , yet I can't help my gaze which is fixated on the window to my left. It's absolutely pissing it down outside, and I know Kennedy is most likely still out there walking back to my house in it. Poor thing , maybe suggesting that she walk back there wasn't the wisest idea in early October.


I look to Henry , Henry Brooks the head master , whose voice is so distinct that even without looking in his direction I still know it was him who said my name.

"Care to add anything?" he says , fiddling with a ballpoint pen in his hands.

"I.." I concede, knowing fuck all about what they were just discussing , "Sorry.."

Henry doesn't seem too bothered that I wasn't paying attention, but sneaking out every night during my teenage years taught me to lie on the spot , and I will always capitalise on the opportunity to put my skills into practice.

"I think I left the window open in my car , I have paperwork on the passenger's seat and I'm worried it's getting drenched." I lie straight through my teeth.

Henry's expression instantly softens , which leads me to believe it's had the intended effect on him too.

"Oh crap.." he looks down at his wrist watch , "You know what , we've been here an hour and a half already, I don't need to keep you all here any longer."

I glance around the table , noting the poor attempts of my colleagues to hide their relief that this dull meeting is finally over with. My ability to plausibly bullshit my boss has sent them all home early , they don't know it yet but they all owe me.

Henry stands up to dismiss the meeting , smiling despite our having achieved absolutely nothing.

"I'll see you all on Monday , have a good weekend."

He didn't need to tell me twice. Quickly , but not too quickly, I gather my things from the office , pull on my jacket and run frantically through the rain to the safety of my car.

I was only outside for a matter of seconds , yet the moment I pull the driver's-side door closed , I realise that my clothes are completely soaked through.

Luckily for me , the roads are relatively quiet tonight and so it only takes me 10 minutes to get home. As I grow nearer and nearer to my house , I squint my eyes in attempt to see past the rapidly falling rain and notice that my garage door wide open. What the fuck?

I pull into my driveway and switch off the engine. Reluctantly, I step back out into the rain to inspect the garage situation.

Ducking under the metal door , I see Kennedy sat on the concrete floor of the garage playing a game or something on her phone. She's completely sodden , there's a puddle forming around where she's sat as the rain water drips off of her.

"Kennedy what are you doing out here?" I say , completely and utterly confused , "It's freezing and you're soaked?"

Kennedy puts her phone down and looks up at me , "How was your meeting?"

I laugh , "Never mind the meeting , what happened?"

She smiles , holding up the set of keys I gave her a couple of hours ago. "Your house key isn't on here , although I only realised that once I stepped up to your front door. Your garage key is on here though, so I've been sat under here to get out of the rain. It's not as dramatic as it looks."

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