Chapter 19

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A/N : Hiya! It's been a long while since i last uploaded, I'm sorry for the long-ass wait ; I started college so things have been hectic but I'm gonna try and write more often as it's still something I love. Please let me know if you're enjoying the story so far , it's a slow burn so any feedback would be really appreciated!

Rosie's POV


"Happy birthday to you , happy birthday to you , happy birthday dear Chrissss , happy birthday to youuu!!" I serenaded my dumbass of a now 34 year old sister.

I wrap my arms around her shoulders from behind and kiss her cheek repeatedly ; what kind of sister would I be if I didn't annoy the shit out of her on her birthday?

Chris shrugs me off , rolling her eyes with an amused, yet pretending to be unamused , smile.

She slept over last night ; we both slept on my couch and woke up at around 11am this morning with the bottle of wine from last night completely empty and laying on
the floor.

"I know I like attention but this isn't the right kind." Chris complained as I wrapped my arms back around her and squeezed her tightly.

I smiled , "I'm afraid it's actually written in the big book of birthday decree that the sister figure, if present, must irritate the birthday girl to her full potential."

Chris raised her eyebrows at me as she resisted the smile I could see was pulling at the corners of her lips. "I think you're still drunk babe because that was the biggest load of bollecks I've ever heard."

I grinned , "Not yet , it's quiz night at the pub tonight and I know that's your thing , so I'm taking you out..Plus it's Saturday so there's no way we're staying in on such a special occasion. We're gonna destroy straight men's egos whilst getting wasted , no buts."

Chris smiles , "You know me so well.."

I laugh , "You want cake?"

"There's cake?" Chris asks with her eyebrows raised and I nod.

"I made you mum's old vanilla and coconut cake.." I tell her , my face wearing a soft and sincere expression.

Ever since we were kids , before mum passed away , she would make me a strawberry and vanilla cake on my birthday each year , and Chris a coconut and vanilla cake on her's. Mum's recipe lay scribbled down on an old receipt hidden away in one of her old cook books ; i found it when Chris an I sorted through her belongings after her passing and have kept it for years never remembering i had it. Until this year.

Chris' expression softens before she stands up and opens her arms to give me a hug , pulling me into her embrace.

"Thank you.." she says softly.

"You're so welcome.." I reply.


Kennedy's POV

It's quiz night at the pub.

Wake up , complete schoolwork , visit the hospital, pour pints to rowdy middle-aged men , repeat. I feel like my life is an endless and shitty cycle of premature responsibility.

It's 8pm , and I'm here at the pub before my shift even starts in order to set up today's quiz night. I place answer sheets down on every table , along with one of those crappy little pencils like the ones you get for free at Ikea.

I'm working the late shift tonight as I'm responsible for closing the pub after the quiz is over. Luckily for me I'm not actually announcing any questions at the front of house , I'll just be serving drinks whilst mainly keeping behind the bar.

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