Chapter 8

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Rosie's POV

This hour seemed to be lasting a life time , and sitting in a room with a flirtatious teenager who knew how to push my buttons didn't exactly improve the situation.

It was just the way she looked at me : the way she tilted her head to one side and smiled , the way she bit her lip when she grinned , the way she said my name so provocatively was both adorable and annoyingly arousing at the same time.

And she wasn't exactly making it easy for me either ; flirting with me in a way that she saw as harmless but would literally have the potential to get me fired if someone else heard it. She enjoyed flustering me for her own entertainment, and although I hate it , at the same time , I also in some ways don't?

She's honestly making me regress back into my 18 year old love-sick teenager mindset ; the flirting and the smirking and the biting her lip which, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about wanting to bite myself, was all messing with my head.

"Miss Foster?!" , she said.

If I'm honest, although I'm forced to shut her up when she's pushing her luck with the flirting, I do love listening to her speak. Her voice is lower than your I guess "average" female voice , but it was soft and had an underlying rasp which just made her sound so sensual.

The way she said my name without that stupid , excessively sweet tone honestly made my head spin. And she knew it to , she definitely saw the effect she had on me and even went as far as teasing me about it. I'll admit , the girl has balls.

"Miss?" she repeated.

I was pulled from my thoughts when she repeatedly tried to get my attention , ironically it was her I was thinking about.

"Yes , Kennedy?" I replied , looking over at her and meeting her gaze.

"It's four thirty..does that mean I can go?" she asked , tentatively.

I looked down at my wrist and checked the time on my watch. She was right , I must've zoned out for at least fifteen minutes.

I nodded my head and stood up from my desk , starting to pack my things away.

"How're you getting home?" I asked , looking out of the window and seeing that it's a lot darker than I thought it'd be at this time. We're only in September and it's already getting dark this early ; it's freezing cold too , and those grey clouds don't look too promising.

"Walking.." she said , swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Can I walk you out?!" she asked, flashing me that frustratingly charming smile.

I smile , zip up my laptop bag and start gathering the abundantly large pile of papers on my desk that I needed to bring home. "It's okay , I have to make multiple trips back to my car anyway, I have a lot to carry.." I replied, honestly.

She smiled and shook her head , walking up to my desk and taking over half of the papers from me. "If you take the rest , it saves you a job and means that I still have the pleasure of walking you to you car.." she said , smiling smugly.

I smiled and rolled my eyes , picking up the last of the papers and following her to the door. "Well aren't you kind , Miss Matthews.." I said , sarcastically.

She craned her neck over her shoulder and smirked. "Why the sarcasm , I'm trying to be helpful?!"

I smile , "Mhm" , I replied with a small chuckle.

She smiled and turned back around , holding the door open for me politely. "After you.."

"Thank you.." I said , smiling softly.

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