Chapter 4

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Kennedy's POV

I walked home with a spring in step. Maybe it was because of the music playing through headphones , but I'm more inclined to believe that it was due to last lesson. I left that classroom feeling immensely proud of myself , stupidly proud you could even say. I mean you couldn't blame me , being complimented by an extremely sexy teacher does that to a person.

I don't think she noticed , and if she did then she did well at hiding it , but aside from mindlessly colouring in that map the librarian made me , I had my eye set on Miss Foster almost the entire lesson. The way she bit her lip when she was concentrating and twirled her pen in her fingers while she was thinking, was both sexy and cute all at the same time.

Averting my gaze from her when only sat a few feet away was proving a difficult task , it sounds immensely creepy , but I like to think that I was gazing , not least that's what I've convinced myself.

As I crossed the main road and walked down the penultimate street before my own , I couldn't help but ponder what I heard somebody shout out in class today. I think it was Cameron who called Miss Foster a quote-un-quote 'lezza' , and although she scolded him for it , rightfully so , she never denied the allegation , which I thought was interesting?


I rounded the corner and turned into my street. Mrs Donnely's car from next door wasn't there , she must've been out at bingo or something. Wait it's Monday , yep she's definitely at bingo.

From what she's told me via our weekly gossip , tea and biscuits round her house , her and Pete Watkins from Sature Avenue have the hots for each other right now. Oh old people and their idyllic romances.

As I approached my driveway , I noticed that Gavin's car was parked there and I groaned aloud. The guy was an absolute dick , and under different circumstances , I wouldn't be able to comprehend why mum kept him around.

But for the time being , I have no choice but to play nice. As long as we keep Gavin around , the longer Gavin , or rather his money , keeps mum alive. It sounds rash , but cancer treatment supplied by a private doctor isn't cheap , and if a slap to the face and a bruised shin here and there was what it took for me to ensure my mum's recovery , I would take it in a heartbeat.

I opened the front door and dumped my bag on the ground to tidy up later. I then ran straight upstairs and into mum's bedroom , to both check that she was okay and to give her her afternoon meds.

I quietly creaked open the door , afraid she might've been asleep , but smiled and sighed relaxedly when I saw her awake and sat up in bed watching TV.

You'd think that after a while I'd grow accustomed to seeing her this way , pale , skinny and so terrifyingly fragile. But it never got easier ; in my mind she looked nothing like my mum , and not recognising her for how she used to be was one of the most painful things you could imagine.

But I'd never admit that to her , never in a million years. I tell her how beautiful she is almost every day , and in many ways , I really am telling the truth. But physically , it's like the person she used to be doesn't even exist anymore , and that , more than anything , is what keeps me up at night.

"Hi Mama.." I said softly , as I crept into her room.

She turned her head slowly in my direction , smiling when she saw me in the doorway. "Hi baby , I missed you.." , she replied , her voice quiet and raspy. I can't remember what she sounded like before she got sick , all I know for sure is that she never used to sound like how she does now.

I walked over to her bed , put a hand on the headboard for support and leaned over her , placing a gentle kiss onto her forehead.

"I missed you too , mama.." I reciprocated.

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