Chapter 6

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Kennedy's POV

My eyes fluttered open in an attempt to adjust to the sunlight seeping through my bedroom curtains. As I regained consciousness , I suddenly became very aware of the textbook laying on top of my face. Confused , I picked it up and threw it across my bedroom floor , instantly regretting my decision in doing so as it made a reasonably loud thud that could've woken mum.

I ran my hands down my face tiredly and then sat myself up against my headboard. I winced as I leant on my arm , the spot where Gavin had manhandled me by the night before ached terribly.

I rolled up my sleeve to inspect it and was met with a big blue-black bruise having formed over night. I held my hand over it for a few minutes as the warmth it provided somewhat soothed the pain ; considering it was my dominant arm , double psychology and double history was gonna hurt like a bitch.

After I'd finished feeling sorry for myself , using my other arm I picked up my phone to check the time. As the screen lit up I squinted my eyes against the brightness and then immediately widened them again when I read the time displayed on the screen.

"Shit , shit , shit , shit.." I repeated to myself in a panic , clambering out of bed.

I fell asleep doing homework last night and completely forgot to set my alarm ; I now have only 25 minutes before school starts , and on top of that , it's a 10 minute walk from here.

I frantically flew open the door to my wardrobe and ripped a hoodie off of it's hanger. I rapidly pulled it over my head and then rolled up the sleeves , picking up the same pair of jeans that I wore yesterday off of the floor and slipping them on , almost falling over in the process.

I then ran into the bathroom , combed a brush through my hair and applied the smallest amount of concealer in order to disguise the giant dark circles under my eyes. In a mad rush , I brushed my teeth and then did a crappy job at applying some mascara , accidentally smudging some on the bride of my nose but not having enough time to care and/or try to wipe it off.

Having made myself look semi-presentable , I shoved my half completed homework into my bag , found an uneaten banana from yesterday in the bottom of it and having to settle with that as my breakfast , and then ran into mum's room to check on her before I leaving for school.

I quietly opened her bedroom door and crept into the room. Gavin never came home again last night so I assumed he stayed at his place , meaning it was just mum in the bed , sleeping soundly. I didn't want to wake her as she needed all the rest she could get, so , I tiptoed past her bed and walked into her bathroom to pour her a glass of water ready for her when she woke up.

Once again , I retrieved the correct pill bottle from the bathroom cabinet and tipped two pills into the palm of my hand for her to take later on. I then walked back into the main part of her room , set the water and medicine down onto her bedside table and then unzipped my bag , trying to find a scrap piece of paper to write a note on.

"Ah!" I whispered successfully as I found one , along with a pen to write with.

Holding the paper up against the wall , I scribbled "Good morning , your meds and water is by your bedside , text me if you need anything in the day and I'll see you when I get home from school at three thirty. I love you xxx - Kenn" onto it. I left the note next to the cup of water and placed a gentle kiss onto the top of her head before I left , whispering I love you as I closed her bedroom door behind me and prepared to make the dash to school.


Thankfully , I didn't get lost on the way to tutor and located Miss Foster's room a lot easier than yesterday. That being said however , I still had to practically sprint in order to get there on time , and by the time I made it to the door , I was out of breath and had broken a sweat.

Forbidden Miss FosterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant