Chapter 5

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Rosie's POV

"Strictly starts in 20 minutes , I have a bottle of red wine and gossip , you wanna come over?" I said to Chris over the phone.

"Bitch you know me so well , I'll be there in ten and I'll even treat you to a takeaway of your choice.." Chris replied , with most likely a large smile on her face.

I grinned , "I'll see you in ten , the door'll be open.."

"See you in ten , love you.." , she told me.

"Love you too , babe.." I said , before pulling the phone away from my ear and ending the call.

I couldn't wait to see Chris. I speak to her over the phone almost every day but I haven't seen her physically for almost two weeks since she got promoted to a higher status at work. Chris is a lawyer , and a very good one too. I always looked up to her growing up , seeing as she is my big sister.

She was , and probably still is , the smart sibling , considering the fact that she went off to Oxford to study law and then went on to become a successful lawyer , meanwhile I have to deal with kids calling me a lezza during my working day.

Nevertheless , I never had any resentment towards her and I don't think I ever will. Chris held my hand through several years of absolute hell and she's never once asked for a favour in return , she's what got me through mum's passing , and she's always been my best friend. I love her more than anything.

Knowing that she'd arrive in just ten minutes , I stood up from the couch and made my way into the kitchen to find that bottle of wine.

I opened the top kitchen cabinet and took two glasses from the back of the cupboard. I keep them there due to the fact that I know I'm clumsy , and keeping them at the back limits the possibility of me one day knocking them over in an attempt to retrieve something else.

Glasses in hand , I then opened the fridge and removed the bottle of red wine from the door ; I know that you're not supposed to keep wine in the fridge , but having it out and on the counter makes the kitchen look cluttered and I'm not a fan of mess. Well , not in my house anyway , my desk at work is a whole other story.

I then shut the fridge , held the bottle by its neck and walked back into the living room.

Part of the reason why I bought this house and not the bigger one down the street that was up for the same price , was because I have always wanted a fireplace. I love how cosy it makes the room feel , especially when transitioning into autumn and winter. That being said , I struck a match to light the fireplace and almost instantly felt the warmth begin to engulf the room. I then switched on the TV and turned it over to the right channel , turning up the volume slightly before resting the remote back down on the coffee table along with the wine glasses and the wine itself.

With Evie already sound asleep on the couch , I sat back down next to her and then laid a blanket over my legs. I stroked her head a few times which caused her to wake up slightly ; she yawned sleepily and then crawled into my lap before settling back down again , nuzzling her face against my stomach. I smiled down at her and then picked up my phone , opening my email and scrolling through it to check that none of my students required any help with their homework. I really didn't feel like emailing a student back and forth during my evening with Chris , but if I don't help them after they've reached out , it will be my fault when they begin falling behind. However , and much to my relief , my inbox was empty and I did in fact have the evening to myself. I've only been back at work for a day , yet I'm already exhausted.

"Im here!!!" I heard a voice yell from the front door.

I smiled and put down my phone. "I'm in here , babe!!" I shouted back to her.

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