Chapter 16

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Kennedy's POV

"A vanilla latte with sugar free vanilla.." , the barista said as he handed me my coffee.

I smiled as I took it from him , "Thank you.."

He nodded gently with a smile , "No problem.."

Drink in hand , I made my way up to the upstairs seating where Rosie was waiting for me ; this is the last thing I was expecting to happen today.

Upon surfacing at the top of the stairs , I scanned my eyes around the various sets of tables and chairs , all of them empty but one. Rosie was sat at a table for two in the back corner of the room and was facing away from me. She had laid her suit blazer over the back of the chair, indicating to me that she wasn't planning on leaving as soon as I went over there. Smiling to myself, I walked over to the table and sat down opposite her , placing my drink down as she lifted her head from her phone screen to look up at me.

"What do you think you're playing at , Miss Matthews?!" she said as she crossed her arms on top of the table , smiling slightly.

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not.."

She rolled her eyes , "This game you're playing is going to get one , if not both of us, in serious trouble.." she told me.

"What game?!" I asked , cocking my head slightly to one side.

"You need to stop with the flirting, Kennedy..That goes for both inside and outside of school.." she said , her eyebrows raised seriously despite the unfaltering smile still on her lips.

I smiled , "I'm not trying to flirt with least not right now anyway.."

She rolled her eyes again.

"I just want to get to know you.." I told her truthfully.

"Why?" she asked as she took a sip from her coffee.

I smiled , "You're easy to talk to , you have a good sense of humour, you've got a really cute dog" she chuckled , "And you're somebody I'll be seeing everyday for the next two years , I feel like wanting to know you a bit more isn't that unreasonable?!" I said.

Rosie smiled , "You're right , it's not..But interaction between students and teachers outside of school just isn't looked upon fondly..If somebody from schools sees me sat with you , it could look like something it's not.." she told me.

"If someone from school saw you sat with me I doubt they'd even look twice..If it were me , I'd just assume you were a family friend or something.." I argued.

Rosie rolled her eyes amusedly with a smile , "You've just got an answer for everything.." she said whilst shaking her head.

I smiled , "I've been told.."

Rosie sighed , "I'll sit with you for half an hour and then I have to get back home ; tests don't mark themselves.." she said and I smiled.


Rosie's POV

I sighed , "I'll sit with you for half an hour and then I have to get back home ; tests don't mark themselves.." I told her and she smiled.

Although me chatting with Kennedy so informally outside of school is most definitely wrong , I always end up getting swept up in her charming banter and admittedly I do feel myself genuinely enjoying her company ; not to mention those big blue eyes which I find it nearly impossible to say no to.

"Deal.." , she said with a smile.

"So Karl , how're you doing in your other subjects?" I asked her teasingly whilst taking a sip from my coffee.

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