Chapter 13

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Kennedy's POV

I'm really regretting not taking Rosie up on that offer for a lift home. I didn't want to disturb what she was doing with her sister , but at this point, I'm still 15 minutes away from the house and it's started to absolutely chuck it down.

I gave Rosie my jacket too ; i think she'd forgotten she was wearing it by the time I left , as I'm pretty sure she would've given it back to me. Now I'm walking around bare-armed , in 7 or 8 degree weather wearing just a t-shirt.

To be fair though, me lending Rosie my jacket means she'll eventually have to give it back , and I realise how creepy it sounds , but she smells really good so I'm kinda looking forward to getting it back after she's worn it.


Just as I was crossing the main road, I felt my phone begin to vibrate in my back pocket ; my ringer didn't go off but I assume that's because I still have it on silent from school.

Anyway , I retrieved my phone from my pocket and groaned at the sight of Gavin's name flashing up on my screen. Nevertheless , I pressed accept and raised the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered the call tentatively.

"You're not at home.." Gavin said.

I furrowed my eyebrows , why did he care if I wasn't at home , if mum's not there he stays at his flat?

"No I'm not?" I replied.

"Where are you?" he continued.

What does he want?

"Out.." I replied bluntly, not feeling the need to explain myself to him.

"Kennedy where the fuck are you?" he continued , his tone of voice coming across far more impatient than it usually does.

"Why does it matter?" I responded, contemplating hanging up the phone.

"Alice's doctor called and said she's had some sort of seizure. She's fine , but he said we should come in.." Gavin told me.

As Gavin spoke , it felt as if my chest tightened and all the air had been rung out from my lungs. "I'm on Westward Avenue.." I  managed to tell him , despite feeling short of breath.

"Stay there , I'm on my way to pick you up now..." Gavin said before ending the call.

Upon hearing the line cut off , I lowered my phone from my ear and put it back into my pocket.

As I stood there waiting for Gavin's car to turn up , I repeatedly tried to reassure myself that she was okay.

Gavin said that the doctor told him she was fine , if the doctor says she's fine that means she's fine.

But what if she's not fine anymore? The doctor said she was fine earlier, but something could've happened between now and then and maybe she's not actually fine.

Is she hurt? Who was with her when it happened? I should've been there with her , why wasn't I with her?


I have no idea how long had passed before I was pulled from my hyper-pessimistic thoughts at the sound of my name being yelled against the pouring rain.

"Kennedy!!" Gavin called out to me through his car window.

Via spotting the glow of his headlights in the distance, I ran over to his car and jumped into the front passenger seat , having to toss an empty can of thatcher's haze off of my seat and into the back of the car in the process.

I closed the door behind me , being careful not to slam it as I knew that would just set him off on one , put my seatbelt on and placed my hands down firmly on my knees in order to suppress their nervously incessant bouncing.

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