Chapter 27

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FMF Chapter 27

Rosie's POV

It's around half past nine , and finally I feel Kennedy beginning to stir from her sleep at the other end of the couch. I stay sat on my side and continue watching the Tv , as not to make her uncomfortable thinking I was watching her.

Stretching one arm above her head , she groaned hazily as she came-to. She blinked a few times adjusting to the light in the room before opening her eyes fully and looking over to me , sitting up slightly against the arm of the sofa.

"Shit , you're back." she said , groggily.

I smile , "Well it is my house."

A small smile pulls at the corners of her lips , each one like a breath of relief following the events earlier this evening.

"What's the time?" she asks.

I briefly check my phone , "Around half nine , how're you feeling?"

"Like shit.." she groans , placing her hand on her forehead.

I laugh , welcoming Evie , who had also woken up , onto my lap.

A small silence fell between us , as if we both needed a second to process what was happening. There's this underlying tension in the air that we're both subconsciously suppressing , yet it's not clear what's causing it. This situation isn't one either of us find ourselves in regularly , if at all.

Not necessarily feeling pressured to , but doing so anyway after the elongated pause , I opened my mouth and broke said silence , after looking down at my own empty soup bowl sitting on the coffee table.

"You're hungry." I said , looking over at her.

Kennedy's eyebrows raise , "That was a statement..normally that's a question, no?"

I shake my head , "Not this time , I need to see you eat something tonight. I don't care what it is but you need to eat something."

"I really don't feel like eating." she responds with pleading eyes.

I feel for her , I really do , but above all else I need to make sure she's properly looking after herself.

"Not happening ; I made tomato soup while you were asleep , do you happen to be  allergic to tomato's , garlic or onions?" I ask.

Kennedy rolls her eyes amusedly , "I'm not , no."

I smile and stand up from the couch , "Perfect , you want bread with that?"

Kennedy tosses the blanket over and off of her legs to stand herself up ; despite being visibly shaky on her feet , she stands her ground.

"You're sweet , but I can get it myself. I've put you through enough hassle today as it is." she says , and I can hear that familiar tinge of guilt staining her voice.

"You've not done anything like that." I reassure her , as sincerely as I could articulate.

Kennedy doesn't sit right away , and so I stand up slowly and walk over to her , placing both hands on her shoulders and pushing her gently back down onto the sofa.  She doesn't fight it , I think she has neither the mental nor the physical energy to resist anything happening to her at this moment in time.

"Sit." I uttered softly , before returning to the kitchen and pouring a second bowl of soup.

Back in the living room , I placed the china bowl carefully in her lap. She held it securely as I slowly released my grip , looking up at me with these eyes that conveyed gratitude and almost bewilderment at being given something she didn't have to earn or work for.

I hate to wonder how long she's been looking after herself at home ; considering the state her mother's in , it could quite easily be years. It would explain her maturity, her tendency to be independent I've noticed especially as of late , and her ability to put her head down and not pay her surroundings a second thought. Regretfully, I see myself in her.

"Thank you."

"Get through as much as you can , okay." I smiled softly.

Embedded somewhere deep within me is a certain soft spot for Kennedy , the longer she's here the more difficult it's becoming to deny it.

I cross one leg underneath me before slumping back down , unintentionally making the bowl of steaming hot liquid wobble dangerously in Kennedy's hands.

"While that's still hot , let's discuss tomorrow." I initiate , grabbing her attention.


Kennedy's POV

Lying in Rosie's guest bedroom, I stare up at the ceiling and try to allow sleep to take over me. The sound of running water fills my ears ; Rosie's in the shower next door.

Our conversation earlier concluded that I'd stay here tomorrow , rather than go to school ; once Rosie returns from work , we'll go from there.

I'd be lying if I said I wanted to leave , but I also feel terrible , as my very presence in her home puts Rosie's career at risk.

As the drowsiness creeps up on me , I feel as though my thoughts are fighting for dominance in my mind. I'm beyond exhausted but I don't think I can sleep ; it sounds dramatic, but every time my eyes close for more than a few seconds, my mind wanders to the image of mum from earlier tonight. She was basically dead aside from that machine pumping small amounts life into her , I can't bear seeing her that way.

I'm not ready to lose her , but at the same time , the feeling of it being her time to go is ever-growing inside of my rational mind. It's selfish to want to keep her here , yet I can't help but grip her tighter the worse she gets - I've been holding onto her for years now , and admittedly the burden is becoming too heavy.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by a light knock on the door.

"Can i come in?" Rosie's voice echoed softly from the hallway.

"Yeah" I replied , and she opened the door.

Dressed in a navy blue hoodie and black joggers , her damp , curly hair sitting just below boob length , I found myself staring at my teacher , stood just a few feet away in a raw and wholesome state I'd not witnessed yet.

"Can I sit?" she queried , bringing me mentally back into the room.

I nodded my head , and so she perched on the side of the bed before swinging her legs up beside mine. She laid adjacent to me , creating the largest possible gap between us as to still maintain a decent distance.

"I get that being asked this question repeatedly is annoying , but is there anything you want to talk about?" she asked me , looking down at her feet at the end of the bed.

I shook my head , "I'm okay , if I talk I'll cry and I'm not in the mood to cry anymore tonight."

Rosie smiled softly as I then scooted down the bed , resting my head on the pillow and pulling a fleece blanket , which was folded at the foot of the mattress , over me.

We both lay there in silence , not feeling a need for any conversation to be exchanged. It was only around 5 or so minutes later that Rosie began to move again , as if she was about to stand up and leave.

"Could you stay?" I asked her , little louder than a whisper.

Unlike most of what I say , this wasn't a pre-meditated question. It just spilled out.

Reluctantly , I looked up at her ; her gaze softened and she nodded , laying down on her back and staring up at the ceiling with me.

Seconds later , tears began rolling down both my cheeks , the hot liquid sticking to my skin. Despite not wanting to cry again tonight, the heaviness of everything is almost forcing the emotion out of me , whether I like it or not.

It was then that I felt Rosie's had reach out across the bed and hold mine , her skin warm and soft to the touch. I felt comfort in that moment , continuing to let whatever feeling I had come and go as it pleased.

Forbidden Miss FosterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя