Chapter 25

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Kennedy's POV

"Where's my mum?" I said out loud , directing my question at nobody in particular, rather articulating my own confusion.

After chaotically navigating the lower floors of the hospital, I made it upstairs to mum's room and found it to be empty. I practically pounced on the closest nurse and repeated my question a second time.

"Where's my mum?" I asked.

I can feel my heart beating out of my chest , and I can't decide whether I'm about to pass out or be sick.

This nurse routinely asked for mum's name , which I gave her , and then took me upstairs to the 6th floor. Stepping out of the lift I shuddered internally at the sign reading , "Intensive Care Unit" ; she doesn't belong here.

I spot Gavin first before I find mum , he was stood in the hallway , pacing anxiously about two feet forwards and then backwards , looking down at the floor.

No , no , no , no , no , no.

I go over to him , "Is she okay? Is she awake? Is she even alive?" I bombard him with questions which he couldn't possibly get a word in to answer , but even so isn't answering fast enough.

"She's breathing but they've put her in a coma , you may as well just go home Kenn." he tells me and I feel my heart sink down into my stomach.

There's no way I'm going home without seeing her. I ignore Gavin completely, walking past him to mum's bedside.

I try to ignore everything else and just look at her , but it's impossible. Wires extending from every visible inch of bare skin , an oxygen mask covering the majority of her face and the plethora beeping machines keeping her alive making it unfeasible to think straight. She's facing away from me , yet I stay where I am.

At every other visit I've ever made here in the past , I'd swear to myself that they'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to get me to leave. Ever since I was little I've been a Mama's girl , always wanting to be by her side. Today , seeing her so weak and frail , I can't even find the audacity to hold her hand.

The longer I stand there and stare at her , I become increasingly more aware of this potent pain in my chest , like a searing hot knife piercing my lungs intermittently every few seconds. This brings on the feeling of panic beginning to surface , and I know from previous experiences that I can't afford to deal with that here. I have to leave.

I give the idea no time to settle. I walk straight past Gavin on the way out without exchanging a word , take the stairs because waiting for the lift would take too long , and accelerate back through the way I came in.

I feel light headed , I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

Rosie's POV

"-and I have no idea how to go about it because-" I halt my speech mid sentence when I look up over the dash board and spot Kennedy running down the steps away from the building.

She's too far away for me to be able to see what kind of a state she's in. Nevertheless I have to go and check she's okay.

"Shit..Chris babe she's back already I have to go" I say , simultaneously unbuckling my seatbelt and opening my car door.

"Is she okay?" Chris asked through the phone, sounding genuinely concerned.

"I can't tell." I respond , stepping out of my car.

"Go and be there for her , just call me later. I love you." she said , her words setting me into motion.

"I love you too." I replied before pressing firmly on the red 'end call button' and slipping my phone into my back pocket.

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