Chapter 3

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Rosie's POV

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch hour. I was relieved to say the least , knowing that I had my sixth formers for the rest of this afternoon and not another class from one of the younger years. I had endured 3 hours of teaching 90 twelve year olds this morning , and honestly , I doubt I could hold my own and not lose my shit due to the chaos for another two.

I gulped down some water and then stood up from my desk , opening my classroom door and propping it open with a door stopper. I then leant against the door frame and waited as various students , some arriving alone and others in amongst groups of friends , arrived to class.

After a couple of minutes about 90% of my students were sat down in their seats and getting their things out of their bags. I checked my watch and sighed ; I hate giving detentions , but being late to my lesson on the first day just isn't acceptable , and I don't want these teenagers thinking they can do one over on me.

With just over two minutes until the official start of the lesson , Kennedy Matthews turned the corner and began swiftly walking down the pretty much empty corridor towards my classroom. Just as I did with every other student , I shot her a friendly smile and greeted her at the door.

"Good afternoon , Miss Matthews , I'm glad to see you didn't get lost on the way here.." I smiled at her.

She reciprocated the smile , but her's was closer to a smirk than a pleasantry grin. "Good afternoon , Miss Foster , I actually did get lost but that old lady behind the desk in the library kindly drew me a map with directions.." , she said , in that cocky but endearing tone.

I laughed. "You're joking?" , I replied , surprised by my own impulsive and unprofessional response.

Kennedy reached into the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper. She then unfolded it and held it up for me to see , and to my surprise , there was actually a somewhat questionable blue print of the school site drawn out in blue ink.

"Unfortunately not.." , she said , smiling sheepishly.

I laughed again , taking the map out of her hand to get a closer look.

Kennedy smiled , "I'm not late , am I?" , she asked , sounding slightly worried.

I shook my head and gave her back her 'map' , which she folded back up again and slid into her back pocket. "You're just on time , go ahead and find a seat , I'll be in in a minute.." I told her with a smile.

Kennedy nodded her head with a grin and then walked past me into the classroom. Her smile was so annoyingly pretty , I could hear the slight giddiness in my tone of voice as I spoke with her because of it.

A minute or so after the 'start of lesson' bell sounded , the remaining students , a group of 3 girls, all turned up together and met my not necessarily angry , but unimpressed gaze.

"You guys are late.." I said , impartially.

"Jessica had to go to the toilet.." Bella answered me back.

"And both of you-" I looked between the other two girls , "-had to escort her? You're all seventeen now , accompanying a friend to the toilet is not a valid excuse to be late to my lesson.." I disapproved , crossing my arms and cocking an eyebrow.

"Sorry , Miss.." Jessica said.

"Yeah , sorry Miss.." the other two joined in.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the three of them and reluctantly softened my expression , they were only a couple of minutes late I suppose.

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