dancing on a tight rope

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Chapter 18

Emma's POV

Mason texted me last night, asking if I was available to meet up this morning to work on a partner dance together like we talked about the other day. Of course I agreed to meeting up this morning because I truly have nothing else to do. Sine I'm technically unemployed, there's no day job for me to go to. I make money from fighting and other gang activities like street racing. I'm sure there's street racing here, but I usually only go to it because Cam goes with me. He enjoys it a lot more than I do. Jane joins us, however, she mostly just goes to watch the races. Daniel will go here and there, but I think we all know he only goes to watch out for the rest of us. Especially me. I don't know why he feels the need to protect me from everything, but I appreciate his concern. It's my favorite thing about him, the way he cares about everyone so deeply. Since I'm in Montana away from the rest of the gang, the only activity I really do is fight which I haven't done since my fight against Mia.

When I'm ready to go to the dance studio, I gather my purse and keys with my phone in hand and head out the door. Once I'm in my Jeep, I start her up and make my way to the dance studio. It's a beautiful day in Montana, with a slight breeze to cool off the summer sun that's beating down from above. My lips curl up as I feel the stress surrounding my life constantly leave my body, ready to dance with a close friend. When I told Mason that I don't usually get the chance to dance with a partner or someone else in general, I was being honest. I've danced with Nate and Jax at the The Spot in groups dances and what not, but other than that, there's not really anyone else that I've danced with. So I'm glad Mason and I are getting this chance to dance together and create a piece together which is also something I've never really done.

Keeping my positive attitude, I jump out of my Jeep once parked in front of the studio making my way inside. Briefly greeting the lady at the front desk, I make my way to the private studio that Mason claimed for us. I walk into the room to meet Mason all settled in and stretching. He hears me walk in and sends a small smile.

"Hey Em." My lips curl up as I make my way over to set my stuff down.

"Hey Mason, are you excited to dance?" While waiting for his response, I start stretching out my muscles, focusing on my breathing.

"I'm probably way to excited for this." His response makes me laugh lightly under my breath. When my eyes meet his again, I can tell through his eyes that he is thrilled to dance with me. I don't blame him though, I feel the same way.

"Good because I am too." He smiles at me in return heading over to the speaker with his phone turning it on. "What are you thinking you want to do for music?"

Once his phone is connected to the speaker he looks at me with a small grin. "I have a few ideas, so I figured we could just go through them and feel it out while getting our bodies loose." I nod in agreement, waiting in the middle of the floor to hear what he's got for music.

As the songs play I recognize a few like Without Me by Halsey, Fire on Fire by Sam Smith, and We Don't Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth. All are great songs and I find myself grooving to each one, but none of them have me feeling creative enough to make anything out of it while feeling confident of it. Then another song comes on so I take a moment to regulate my breathing as it begins playing. Shape of You by Ed Sheeran plays through the speakers and immediately my lips curl up. Mason's gaze meets mine as if reaching an understanding.

We groove to the music as if plays and I start choreographing a dance, feeling out bits and pieces. When it comes to an end, Mason heads over to his phone to pause the music before meeting my gaze again.

"I think we found our song." My smile widens in agreement. "I was watching some of the ideas you were coming up with as the song played and I really liked the direction you were going in as far as choreography goes."

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