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The races ended with max in p1, Charles in p2 and Sergio in p3.  They did victory lap and podium and then there was a big party after.  It was at a big club and every team was going.  Lando, Arthur and Valentina were going to go together in Arthurs car. 

"Lando!" Valentina said running up to him and giving him a big hug.  "You did so good! P4 is so good!"  Valentina said smiling.  Lando just nodded.  Lando had changed into a suit and was ready to go.  "Come on!" He said as he walked up to Arthurs car.  "Good job, man."  Arthur said to Lando giving him a hug.  "Looking sharp, Arthur." Lando said as he dusted off Arthurs shoulders, they both laughed.  "So who's driving?"  Valentina said with a grin on her face.  "You can drive."  Arthur laughed tossing her the keys.  "Just please don't back into a pole."  Lando said laughing.  Valentina rolled her eyes and got into the car.  "Why aren't one of you sitting in the front she said turned to the boys in the back seat.  "Safety reasons." Arthur said straight faced.  Valentina shook her head and laughed.

The drive was less than five minutes from the track.  Paparazzi were crowded beside the front doors of the club.  They walked quick through the crowd and flashes. 

Once they got into the club, Valentina went around to say hi to everyone.  She said hi to Daniel, Lewis, Carlos and Charles.  Then she got some drinks.  She didn't want to drink too much but just enough.  She sat at the bar when she felt a tap on her shoulder.  It was Arthur.  "Hey." She said.  "Hey." He said back sitting down beside her.  "Can I get you a drink sir?" The bartender asked.  "Yes, I'll get two shots of tequila."  Arthur said and smiled at Valentina.  "Here you go."  The bartender said handing over two shots of tequila.  Valentina took the shot like it was nothing.  Arthur on the other hand had a bit of a sour face.  "Can't shot tequila, Hey Leclerc?"  Valentina teased.  "I can, Alonso."  Arthur winked at her.  Después de la playa by bad bunny came on and Valentina immediately got up.  "Where you going?" Arthur asked.  "This is my song."  Valentina laughed.  "Wanna come?" Valentina held out her hand and Arthur took it.  Valentina dragged him to the dance floor.  The music was pounding and everyone was dancing.  Arthur and Valentina were jumping up and down and laughing.

Once the night was over everyone started to head back to there hotels.  Lando had a ride but Valentina would be driving with Arthur.  They got into the car.  Arthur started driving.   He had one hand tight on the wheel and the other resting on the middle compartment.  Valentina slowly picked up her hand and ran her fingers through his hair.  Arthur's stomach was swarming with butterflies.  She twisted his hair around her finger.  "I really like your hair." Valentina said.  Arthur was silent.  He was to nervous to say anything.  "Never get a buzz cut, ok?"  Valentina told Arthur.  "I promise."  He said.  Valentines moved her hand to rest on Arthurs hand.  Arthur held onto hers. 

When they arrived at the hotel they parked the car.  "Want to go for a walk?" Valentina asked.  "Sure." Arthur said shutting his door.  The walked through the hotel garden for a few minutes.  It was mostly silence but not an awkward silence.  They slowly came to a stop.  Arthur stared at her deeply.  This was finally his moment, he thought.  He leaned in closer. And finally there lips smashed together into a deep passionate kiss.  Her hands were on his neck and his hand were on her hips.  The two never wanted to pull away.

Authors note:
Omg, Finally!
Next chapter will be within the next couple days.

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