Goodnight, My Someone

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i'm a theater kid, and the title is definitely NOT  musical reference.

a musical in which i played the MAIN CHARACTER'S MOTHER

anyways, moving on :D

AND DON'T GET ANY IDEAS, DEARIES, WHEN YOU READ THAT ONE LINE. you'll know which one i'm talking about. my ff account is strictly NO SMUT!



10:20 PM

A gentle knock came from the door, nudging me back into reality. My head ached with the dull pain of exhaustion, though I brushed the thoughts aside and pushed away the sheets. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I planted my feet firmly on the ground, stabling my shaking legs with a hand against the wall.

Before taking another step closer to the bedroom door, I smoothed down my mop of hair, hoping I didn't look too ghastly. I slowly creaked the door open, peering through the crack.

"Hello?" I murmured, my voice ending up smoother than I had expected. Thank god.

"Can I come in?" Freddie's voice mumbled from the other side. My heart fluttered, a grin stretching across my face as the all-familiar voice reached my ears. Suppressing a giggle, I pulled the door open.

"Sorry, I know I look quite interesting." I cleared my throat, blushing as he chuckled, closing the door behind him as he staggered in. "What's up?" I asked, suddenly wide awake.

"I can't sleep." He sighed, our weary eyes meeting as we both started to laugh. Did we know why we were laughing? F*ck no. Did we find everything hilarious because we were both exhausted? F*ck yes.

"You can sleep with me." I suggested, dragging him to my bed, ignoring how that might sound out of context. 

"O-okay." He giggled, climbing into my bed after me. We both rolled over on our sides, staring into each other's eyes for a minute before I had the brightest idea.

"Sooooooo... meet any hot people lately?" I teased, a grin appearing on Freddie's face, his cheeks flushing as he started to laugh.

"It's- It's complicated!" He chortled, rolling over again, his laughs muffled by the mattress that he decided to press his face into.

"Okay..." I sighed, pouring a generous amount of fake sadness into my reply, struggling to stifle another fit of giggles. "I'm tired." I complained, my smitten smiles overtaking me face as he mumbled in agreement, his eyelids repeatedly fluttering closed and open.

"You have a really pretty voice." He murmured, sleepiness weaving through his voice as he stared at me through his hazy vision, barely propped up on his elbow.

"Why thank you, singer." I pointed out, attempting to raise an eyebrow but winking instead. "You have the cutest laugh I've ever heard." I sighed dreamily, my heart doubling in size as he started to laugh.

"T-thanks." He giggled, his entire face red. We gazed into each others eyes, zoning out into our own thoughts. His dreamy brown eyes... Oh my lord, I could just stare into them all day...

"What's your favorite song from our album?" Freddie asked, his voice muffled by his weariness, forcing his eyes open again to look into my eyes as I thought for a second.

"Liar." I responded, chuckling softly as he began to think. It should be illegal to be this perfect. 

"Why?" He asked finally, sounding genuinely confused. Shrugging, I pondered for a minute.

"Oh, I really just like how fun it is, I guess." I replied, smiling softly as he looked up at me, his eyes glazed over with tears. "Freddie, what's wrong?" I murmured, reaching a shaking hand out to brush away his tears.

"I- no one has ever s-said that... said that they like any of the uh- any of the songs I've written." He sniffled, chuckling softly as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I can't imagine why! Your writing is fantastic!" I protested, sitting up with my hands on my hips. "Criminally underrated, you are." I hissed to no one in particular.

"Oh, I'd join you in the land of the living, but I'm dreadfully exhausted, lovie." He mumbled, waving his hand about in the air. 

"Ah, it's fine." I smiled softly, lowering myself back down to the mattress. "So, appears like we both get weird when we're tired." I chuckled.

"Yeah. I don't know why I was crying." He laughed, his leg gently brushing against mine under the blanket, sending my heart somewhere over the rainbow.

"Mhm... well... what about..." I searched for another question to ask, a slightly reckless yet intriguing idea popping into my head. "Do you like anyone?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at him as he burst into giggles, his cheeks turning red.

"Maybe..." He hinted mysteriously, dissolving into giggles before he could even string a sentence together.

"Are they in the band?" I inquired, a wave of relief crashing over me as he shook his head "no".

"Technically no." He mumbled, his eyes darting away from mine. "It's not one of the boys." He elaborated.

"Alright. Do I know them?" I queried, my heart seizing as he nodded, growing shyer and shyer as I continued to press with my questions. "Do they work for the band?" I asked, suspense spilling over me in a messy, frayed splash as I nearly screeched.

"Is it... me?" I guessed, my voice coming out quieter than I expected. He nodded shakily, his lips twitching as I gasped. "Really?" I asked, sitting bolt upright as he did the same, nodding slowly. "Oh my god." I murmured, my brain swirling in a moment of bliss and jubilance.

Oh my god he actually likes me. 
Oh my f*cking god. He likes me back. Finally.

Without saying another word, he burst into tears, throwing his arms around my neck as he sobbed into my shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have said anything, I- I-" His breathing became hoarse and ragged, his chest rising and falling to the increased thumping of my heart.

"Freddie... I love you." I breathed. A moment of silence hung through the air, the tension so thick that you could slice it with a knife, and maybe it would even stay intact.

"You- you do?" He whispered, lifting his tear-streaked face from my shoulder, hair sticking to his neck and cheeks with stains from his pained tears.

"Yes." I nodded breathlessly. He really does take my breath away. He could take anyone's breath away. I don't know how he doesn't see that.

"Yay." He giggled softly, letting himself slowly drift back down to his pillow, wiping the tears away from his face as I joined him. "I'm so tired. Crying three times in one night is draining." He complained, chuckling softly as I traced his face with a finger.

"Three?" I questioned, my eyelids fluttering closed as he nodded sleepily. "Mmm." I murmured in response.

"Don't question." He mumbled wearily, his voice growing more and more distant.

"Not questioning."

"Goodnight, my someone." He whispered, those being the final words I heard before we both drifted off into sleep.


Alright, I hope you guys enjoyed this chaos. I can actually go to sleep now, because I stopped crying about the death anniversary video I watched. Peace out, Queenies!

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