In the year of '82...

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the picture omg *insert angelic roger falsetto*

TW: P*ul Pr*nter (it is censored later in the chapter, don't worry)


"It's all disco! We need an actual rock song in the album! Queen is a rock band!" Brian scoffed, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Just because you can't get what you want every time doesn't mean that we can't ever get what we want." Deaky narrowed his eyes at the taller man, folding his arms over his chest and leaning back into the couch.

"It's barely a rock album! No one is going to want to buy it!" Roger screeched, his face reddening with frustration, gesturing wildly with every word.

"Well, you got your car song, so we get our disco songs!" Freddie protested, raising an eyebrow as Roger realized that there was no logical argument to this.

"Well..." He mumbled, his gaze cast down to the floor as I sauntered into the room,  leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, Y/N! There you are!" Freddie exclaimed, his face lighting up as soon as he saw me walk into the room. He immediately stood up from his seat and shuffled over to me, slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Freddie, just because your friend is here doesn't mean that you can avoid this conversation. No offense, Y/N." Brian grimaced, glaring at Deaky from the other side of the table.

"I'm his personal assistant, Bri." I reminded him, stepping into the room. "Since I seem to be the only one who actually wants to resolve this issue-" I was cut off by a bunch of indignant grumbling.

"Don't deny it. Freddie wants to go home, Deaky wants to kill Bri, Bri wants coffee, and Roger wants to go hit on some random girl. So, I'm the only one who wants to resolve this issue. Let them have Hot Space, guys." I sighed, meeting Brian's  gaze as his hardened glare softened.

"No one's arguing, I guess." Roger shrugged, standing up and slinging his bag over his shoulder. "So, since I suppose we're in agreement that Hot Space is going to be an album, I'm going to go hit on some random girls." He grinned, shooting me a wink before skipping out of the room, humming the tune to Get Down, Make Love as he left. 

"I can't have been the only one who heard that." Brian muttered, raising an eyebrow as soon as Roger was out of earshot.

"You weren't." I agreed, chuckling. "At least you guys aren't his neighbors." 

"Oh, dearie. I can't imagine having to be his neighbor. Why don't you spend the night with me?" Freddie offered. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as he pulled me closer.

"Get a room!" Brian groaned, burying his face in a pillow as Freddie leaned in even closer. "Honestly, I swear you two act like teenagers sometimes."

My cheeks turning bright red, I pulled away to stick my tongue out at Brian. "Ah, yes. Remember when I walked in on you crying about literally nothing? So manly, Bri. The manliest." I stifled a laugh as Bri turned bright red.

"I- That was- Different!" He stammered, turning even darker red as Freddie burst into giggles. 

"For sure. Now, we best be off. Deaky, don't kill him while we're gone." Freddie chortled, shooting a knowing look at Deaky, who boiled in his own anger in a dark corner of the room.

"I make no promises." He uttered darkly, his eyes burning into Brian's apprehensive expression as the taller man slowly inched back.

"Fun!" I squealed, grabbing Freddie by the hand and pulling him out of the room. He raised an eyebrow as we ran out of the building.

"What was that about?" He asked, a mixture of anxiousness, confusion, and concern weaving through his voice all at the same time.

"I know something's wrong, Fred." I sighed, cupping the side of his face in my hand as his gaze fell to the sidewalk.

"C-can we talk about this at home?" He murmured, his voice dropping lower, a sliver of sadness appearing in his eyes as he met my gaze.

"Of course, Freddie. Whatever you need." I nodded, wrapping my arms around him before we continued our trek down the sidewalk. 


We walked in through the open doorway, the cold air of the house wrapping around us, though Freddie stayed silent. A twinge of worry pulled at my heart as he shuffled towards the staircase.

"Do you want to talk about it now?" I offered, following him up the staircase. He slowly nodded, and we advanced further up the stairs. Without a word, we entered his bedroom, and I slowly shut the door behind us.

"What's wrong, Fred?" I asked, enveloping him in a hug as he sighed, his shaking arms weakly returning the hug.

"P*ul." He murmured, sadness lacing his words as he looked down at the floor, his hands shaking. My breath caught in my throat, a bolt of fear cascading through my veins before it melted into anger.

"What did he do?" I inhaled sharply, my fingers clawing into the sides of my jeans as I padded over to Freddie, my legs and arms moving stiffly in unison.

"He started saying some things." Freddie mumbled, looking up at me with tears in his eyes. "And... we broke up." He finished, his voice shrinking to a whisper.

"Oh, Freddie. I'm sorry." I lied.

I swear I'm not a demon, just that Pr*nter idiot is... well... an idiot. If I was dating this man, I don't think I'd even consider breaking up with him.

"I don't know what to do... because he's right. No one will ever love me. Not even... nevermind." He sniffled softly, a single tear gliding down his cheek before he wiped it away.

Without a moment of hesitation, I pulled him in for a kiss, his lips meeting mine as my heart leaped.

He's kissing back. Oh my f*cking god he's kissing back.

"D-do you want to um, want to be my boyfriend?" He asked, meeting my eyes with a glimmer of hope.

"Of course, love." I smiled, a grin stretching across my face as he mirrored my smile.

Well, this is pretty much the best day of my life.


Ow. I fell backwards in my chair while writing this, and I'm probably going to get a concussion based on how many head injuries I keep getting. I'm also sick, so this was probably not my best work, but whateverrrrrr. It's fiiiiiiine. Peace out, Queenies!

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