I feel like terrorizing the neighborhood!

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Freddie's POV

My eyes squinted open, only to be met by an equally dull reality in front of me. The gentle grey of my ceiling, shrouded in darkness from the closed curtains, only a sliver of moonlight shimmering through, leaving a silver stripe upon my face.

I waited, in still silence, anticipating the presumptuous chirping of birds, though none came. The air around wavered, thick through the heat of the night, though crisp from the air outside. Slowly heaving myself up onto my elbows, I sighed, the dry sound cutting through the silence.

"This simply will not do. This is really f*cking boring."



"I'm shocked that Ronnie hasn't heard that song yet. I'd be... amused to say the least!" I chuckled, a grin spreading across Brian's face as we chatted. The sun dipped low in the sky, until the moon rose and dominated the star-speckled canvas, the night flying by as we caught up.

"Yes, um, I don't really want to be there when she does hear it. I honestly can never manage to decipher what's going on in their minds. Deaks and Fred, I mean. Roger's a little more...well..." He trailed off, grimacing as he realized there was no polite way to say this.

"A little more f*cked up in the head, so he just says whatever's on his mind?" I volunteered, Brian bursting into giggles as he nodded, waving his arm around as he fumbled for the words.

"That's the one!" His laughter finally died down as a mischievous spark glinted in his eyes, a smirk playing at his lips as he leaned in to whisper. "Freddie fancies you, you know." 

I swear to god that my heart stopped.

I could suddenly hear my own breathing in my eyes, heat rising to my cheeks as my words stuck to my throat.

"What-uh, what makes you say that?"

"Him." He answered simply, shrugging his shoulders as he flopped back onto the couch. "He told me a couple weeks ago. He was so sober, it was weird."

"O-oh. Well. That's-" A ringing on the phone freed me from finishing the rest of that sentence. "I'll get it!" I volunteered, bounding into the makeshift kitchen of the studio. Throwing a glance out the window, I caught a glimpse of scarce cars buzzing down the road, trees waving in the distance, the ethereal essence of the night, alone with Bri, sending a shiver down my spine. If only Freddie was here, it would be perfect. Shoving the thoughts away with a sigh, I wrapped my fingers around the phone, lifting it to my ears.

"DARLING, I FEEL LIKE TERRORIZING THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND CAUSING SOME CHAOS! WANNA COME?" Freddie screeched into the phone, my heart skipping a beat as the sound of his voice, ever-so-scratchy. (It was 4 in the morning, but, eh, details, details)\

"Um." I cleared my throat awkwardly. "You do realize that it's... well... Four in the morning, right?" I laughed awkwardly, the silence on the other end of the phone ringing in my ears.

"Oh, those are just the minor details." He dismissed, his voice shaking slightly with excitement, a fit of giggles punctuating his sentence.

"I can't tell if you're high or drunk."

"Neither! I'm sleep deprived!"

"Oh, fun." I murmured. A wave of realization hit me. "Hold on, how did you know I was at the studio?" Yet again, he giggled, a hand flying to my mouth to suppress my own giggles over how adorable he is.

"I called your house sixty-nine times, but then I just assumed you weren't dead, so I called here!" He replied, the sound of his happiness playing tricks with my heart.

"Um, okay. Where are you causing chaos?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from the fact that this man had been calling my house for probably the past half-hour. He cares... he really cares...

"That cool restaurant downtown. Can you pick me up? I can't drive, and I don't want to bother anyone." He pleaded. Without a second of hesitation, I replied.

"Of course! I'll be there soon." An airy laugh escaping my lips, the dull buzz of the phone hanging up filled my ears. A gentle tapping on my shoulder shook me back into reality. I forced the color out of my cheeks, grinning shyly up at Brian.

"I'm going to head home and try to get some sleep. Try not to f*ck him senseless, okay?" He smiled, ruffling the hair on my head as I probably turned bright red. With that, he headed out the door, waving sheepishly as he probably regret what he said.

This night apparently wasn't over yet.


Freddie's POV

I hopped into the car, grinning like a madman as Y/N began to speak, my heart leaping into my throat as her beautiful voice reached my ears.

"So, were you up all night?" She asked, her lopsided grin sending shivers down my spine as she started the car back up.

"No, I just woke up and decided to be a menace to society." I grinned sheepishly, blush rising in my cheeks as I realized how odd that sounded. "Let's just ignore how weird that sounds, my dear."

"Ah, no worries. I was just hanging out with Brian at the studio. Neither of us could sleep, and we accidentally found each other there. Don't worry, you didn't miss out on much." She giggled, her airy laugh floating through the tension-free air. We sat in silence, though it wasn't awkward.

A smile traced her lips, though I wish my lips were upon hers. I can't keep thinking like this. She doesn't like you back. She never will.


"Freddie, you have to use oil to fry chips." Y/N said, a stifled giggle escaping her lips as I waved it away, slightly adjusting the temperature of the device.

"Cooking is quite foreign to me, but I think it'll be fine!" I grinned, nodding proudly as nothing had caught on fire yet. "See, it's not that bad!"

Her eyes widened, as an unfamiliar warmth filled the room. I whipped around, a spark of fire igniting on the stove. The fire slowly spread, as I stood there, completely helpless.

"Oh, f*ck! Freddie!" Y/N sighed, dissolving into giggles as she darted to the side of the room, grabbing a pail full of water. She ran over, a sheepish smile on her face as her pink cheeks grew even redder as my hand brushed against hers. The fire grew stronger, the orange raging, flicking against the top of the furniture. 

The water enveloped the fire in less than a second, quieting the flames. The remnants of the chips crumbled like shreds of ash, mixing with the water that dripped from the device. 

Our eyes meeting, we both burst into laughter, the awkwardness leaving the room as our laughs filled the air, the crazy events of the last few minutes replaying in both of our minds as the smell of smoke and flames dissolved from the air.

Our laughter finally died down, and our eyes met once again, her beautiful eyes glinting with joy. I could practically feel my heart double in size as she gazed into my face, her lips slightly parted as she became lost in her head. 

My heart skipping, I rested my head on her shoulder, mumbling into the fabric of her shirt. "I like you, Y/N. I like you a lot."

Her breath caught in her throat, she whispered back, faint traces of my own fervent love for her reflected in her words. "I like you too."


Completely off-topic, but my friend and I are singing a duet for a theatre competition thing hufiergdhufnehgrdiuhguirdomhiurdo. Our drama teacher only picks some people for her troupe, so I'm SO EXCITED for this!!!!!!!!!! Also, I auditioned for my school's dance company/competition team yesterday, and I can barely walk today. I pulled a muscle. I don't think I'm making it in LMAO. But it's fiiiiiine. I hope you enjoyed this! Peace out, Queenies!

Freddie Mercury - One-Shots and Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें