If I'm Not Back Again This Time Tomorrow...

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*I came up with the idea for this one when I was 11 years old. Yeah. I was so in love with him when I was 11. Ignoring how weird that is LMAO- This is probably not going to be my best work because I'm sleep deprived and sick. But, whatever. Enjoy!*

TW: Gun violence

"You're going to be amazing, Fred." I smiled, gazing into his beautiful brown eyes, my heart jittering as the other three left the room, leaving just us in the dim, romantic light.

"I certainly hope so, my dear." He grinned, excitement dancing in his eyes as Roger poked his head into the room.

"Come on, lovebirds! Fred, you gotta get onstage! Y/N, aren't you supposed to be in the booth?" He rasped, twirling his drumsticks in his fingers as I nodded in recognition. Without another word, I darted off, a shred of regret slithering into my joy as I trekked up the slope, leading to the booth.

My friend Amber waved, adjusting her headset atop her golden bob, a cocky grin laying upon her face.

"You're gonna get laid. Which one?" I predicted, snorting as she blushed the color of her stilettos. 

"Rog. He's so dreamy, and so big-"

"Whoa there, Amber. That's enough of that." I teased, adjusting the knobs on the board in front of me, the soft shining of gentle lights cascading down across the stage, ricocheting upon the array of instruments.

Freddie stood, grinning wildly as the beam of the spotlight shone down on him, illuminating his harlequin jumpsuit. 

"Good evening, lovies. We're all simply jubilant to be performing for you here tonight. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy this song..." He trailed off, skittering over to the piano, his hair floating behind him as he sat at the piano, his fingers gently caressing the keys as they glided over the keyboard, opening his mouth to sing.

My heart melted along with the words, angelically sliding off his tongue as all the pieces fell into place. It was all so perfect.

He was perfect.

This is amazing.

It's... too perfect.

The tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood up, my heartstrings that had been played upon so eloquently by the raven-haired man at the piano seized, my breath caught in my throat.

"Something's wrong." I croaked, whirling around to meet Amber's concerned gaze. Her eyes widened as she tore the headset from her ears.

"Y/N, what's going on?" She inquired, laying a hand on my shoulder. Shaking my head wildly, I brushed it off, my eyes darting from left to right and back again as I searched for the words. The inexplicable feeling of dread pooled in my stomach, my legs restless and jittering.

"I-I don't know, but something's wrong, Amber. Something bad is going to happen." I whispered, my voice swallowed by my own nerves and Freddie's melodic vocalizations from across the stadium.

"I... take a look around. Maybe see if there's something you can see that's off." Without another word, I swiveled around, leaning over the edge of the booth, my hair framing my face as I looked down, my anxious gaze sweeping the audience.

Everyone cheered, the stentorian sound clouding my ears as everything was drowned out by my own heart, thumping in my ears as Freddie looked up from the piano, meeting my gaze.

His smile faded, his fingers fumbling for the keys on the piano for a moment, before he plastered back on a smile, though an aura of concern continued to waft around him.

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