Brought to you by: My Oreos From Two Days Ago

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I'm sorry about the title.
I couldn't think of anything.
I started this with multiple different prompts over the past two days.
None of them worked, but if you're reading this, I thought this one was decent.


Brian's POV

"Too bad most people these days appear to be grade-a b*tches." Roger lamented, leaning back in his chair, his arms folded over his chest as he glared across the room. "Ten people! And not ONE of them has met the criteria of 'not-too-b*tchy'. It's not that much to ask!" He grumbled, trailing off at the end with an elaborate eye-roll.

"I'm starving." Deaky added, shrugging as Roger shot him a sharp look from across the table. Sighing, Freddie suppressed a smile, attempting to curl his upper lip of his front teeth.

"You two are ridiculous." He uttered, a grin creeping upon his lips as he began to think about something that made a "ridiculous" shade of pink rise to his cheeks, a soft giggle escaping his lips.

"Be patient. We know all of us would be rather horrible at 'managing' this group of lunatics. So we just have to find someone who can." I pointed out, a satisfied smirk on my lips as a shred of Roger's attitude faded away, shooting me an apologetic grin.

And it was at that moment that we did.


Freddie's POV

She sauntered into the room, a cheery smile on her pink lips as she slid the door closed behind her.

"Hello." She waved shyly, locking eyes with each of us in turn. "I'm Y/N L/N." She introduced herself. 

A wave of shock crashed over me as I studied her gorgeous features. It really is her. Oh my f*cking god, it's her.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Brian May." Brian introduced himself, shaking her hand as she took a seat at the opposite end of the table, her hands folded neatly in her lap as she smiled graciously.

Still in shock, the words refused to get from my brain to my tongue as I stared, my eyes likely looking like they're about to pop out of their sockets as I did. Her beautiful face... It's been years.

"Roger Taylor, you don't seem as b*tchy as the others!" He grinned widely, eagerly shaking her hand, making her giggle as he smiled, his entire face lighting up.

"I'm uh, John Richard Deacon, born on the nineteenth of August, 1951." Deaky rambled, a shy grin on his lips as she stifled a giggle, reaching out to shake his hand. They locked eyes for a minute, his eyes softening.

She's mine, Deaks.

"F-Freddie Mercury. I'm Freddie Mercury." I stammered, her warm eyes meeting mine. I haven't... No. It can't really be her.

"Pleasure to meet yo- oh. Oh dear." A hand flew to her mouth, a smile crinkling the corners of her eyes as she laughed in disbelief. 

"Are you really Y/N L/N?" I queried, a lopsided grin approaching my lips as she nodded, her hair bouncing up and down. Oh dear god, it's been a while. "I-I keep a picture of u-us in my wallet!" I laughed, digging through my wallet. My fingers wrapped around the all-familiar piece of paper I had for so long.

The corners only slightly wrinkled, our faces as young children smiled back at us, the brownish-orange colouring of photos from that age bringing back long-forgotten memories as I held it up for her to see. She was so beautiful as a child. Even more so now.

"Oh my god, it really is you." She whispered, her eyes shining with bittersweet memories as we both remembered the last time...


12 years earlier...

Third Person POV

"Oh, look! Guys, it's Bucky!" A boy teased, a pleased smirk rising to his lips as he locked eyes with Freddie.

"It's Freddie." He murmured, clutching his books closer to his chest as they closed in on him in a circle.

"No. It's what I say it is. You don't make the rules, Bucky." He spat, leaning down to get to eye-level with the shorter boy.

Tears welled up in Freddie's eyes as the boy continued to scathe his self-worth with relentless insults, each one burning a scar through his memory. The cuts could mend, but the scars never go away.

"You know, I have a bright idea! Leave him the f*ck alone!" Y/N demanded, stomping up to their group, the circle immediately separating as she stormed up to them, her eyes wild with fury, her jaw set. Freddie began to sob as she wrapped her arm around him, turning him away from the clique of immature, dimwitted boys.

"Y/N... come on. You're better than this." The same boy from earlier whined, his hands on his hips as a sliver of guilt weaved through his consciousness.

"You wish. You wish I wanted to sink as low as the rest of you. Because all of you are narrow-minded creeps, and you think that whatever you like has to be whatever everyone else likes. You think one 'imperfection' defines someone's entire personality. If you could choose how you look, I bet you'd have a smaller nose. And I wouldn't even say his teeth are an 'imperfection'. He's perfect, with and without extra teeth, b*tches. Now get the f*ck out of my sight, before I castrate you." She threatened.

The group of boys immediately paled before scrambling away, their heavy boots stomping against the hallway floor before their frantic footsteps faded into background noise.

"Thank you." Freddie croaked, glancing up at Y/N, tears tracing down his pale cheeks as she smiled softly, happiness blossoming in her heart as he smiled back.

"Will Y/N L/N please report to the office? Immediately?" The voice over the intercom demanded, icy rage slithering through her accent. Without a moment of hesitation, Y/N enveloped Freddie  in a hug, whispering in his ear.

"I might not see you again. If I don't... know that you're the best person I've ever met. And that I'm always right. Neither of those things can be changed." With that, she strutted away, not a minute of deliberation or anxiety pulsing through her as she walked away.

And she never did come back.


12 years later...

"I meant what I said that day." Y/N murmured, her cheeks turning rosy pink as Freddie giggled softly, his laugh filling the room as the other three focused intently on the conversation.

"They never messed with me again. They thought you died just to haunt their dorm room." He chuckled, the bittersweet memories filling his heart as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"I still love you." She breathed, her heart leaping into her throat as he slowly glanced up at her, his eyes glazing over with tears as he realized...

He loves her.

He never stopped.


Just accidentally wrote "shot him a shot" instead of "shot him a sharp look".

Just wrote "lisp", tried to type it again but wrote "lisps". what is wrong with me?

Tried to write "Hey, I'm Brian May." but then realized how ridiculous that sounds.

Dearies, an add just popped up on my YT out of nowhere saying "IT'S A CHIP MIRACLE" pleaseeee i'm just trying to listen to music!

Oops. Well, we're just going to ignore that little bit. ANYWAYS, hope you enjoyed your daily dose of Queen-themed chaos! Peace out, Queenies!

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