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PriyanshuSinha9 Thanks for applying

Given details

Name - Priyanshu Sinha

Date of Birth - 15 September 2004

Time of Birth - 4:26 AM 🌇_____________

About you

Your Moon sign - Libra ♎

Numero count - 43

•• Most of the people born with Moon sign Libra ♎ are mostly born with over excited hormones, they become naughtier kids later.

•• Might be You find it easier to make new friends.

•• You had a heart break in your life.

•• You didn't feel comfortable around your relatives and find it difficult. Because the babies born with sunrise with ♎ Libra moon sign will get annoying relatives.

•• You are more interested in other activities more than studies, might you hate Maths to study. So you are not looking ahead for being anything in science.

•• Soon you get someone make you fall in love truly.

Future Prediction -

Lucky color for you - Blue and Black will be always a lucky choice for you.

Lucky number for you - 8 is your luck friendly number for your entire life.

Anyone's name started from - M, S, A or R will be good for you.

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Predictions can't be 100 percent right, it's just a number study which tried to calculate your nature according to your name and birth date and time.


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