He groaned but lifted himself out of bed nonetheless. It was earlier than he would usually get up, but re-wrapping his wounds didn't seem like an optional decision. Not to mention he still wasn't patched up at all in some places.

Once he was in the bathroom he removed the wrap from around his arm before undressing to shower. He turned and took in his appearance in the mirror for longer than he would ever admit. The mirror cut off in his mid-stomach but what he saw was already enough to make him stare.

Matias never enjoyed his appearance. As a kid he did everything he could to cover his face but his 'parents' were convinced that it was just young insecurities and that it would pass soon. They were only somewhat right as he did stop trying to cover his face, but he never changed his opinions about it.

His eyes were a very dim color that drew lots of usually negative attention. They were a light gray that seemed lifeless and void of color. He had a roman nose that pushed out of his face in a way that he thought was unflattering. His lips rested in a frown but whenever he would smile it looked unnatural on his face. Not to mention the way that all his features pulled together made people anxious to approach and talk to him. People seemed to shy away when he tried to make simple conversation with them.

Matias forced himself out of his head and turned the shower on cold. Despite the frequent cold showers that he took, he didn't enjoy them. However the warm water seemed to hit injuries in a much more painful way. Hot water made them sting and he'd rather be cold than in pain.

The took his time making sure that he didn't hurt himself while running his wounds under the water. He finally washed his hair and rid of the grease that was building up.

Once he was done with his routine he finally got out of the shower. He dressed himself in jeans that hugged his legs just a bit and a plain white t-shirt. He then returned to his bathroom to patch up his wounds. He wrapped his arm very rushed and unprofessionally then lifted his shirt to look at his stomach. He quickly realized he wouldn't be able to bandage it. Not in an affective way at least.

The wound in his stomach was about three inches deep and while it was off to the side and probably didn't hit any organs, it still wouldn't heal quite right. He scoffed at the sight and let go of his shirt.

He was forced to look in the mirror as he cleaned the slash in his throat. He avoided meeting his own eyes and kept his gaze firm on his throat.

While it was fairly easy to cover up with no bandages, once he covered it with wrapping it was practically impossible to hide. He opted for no bandages even though his chances of an infection were going up. He pulled on a different hoodie with the same design as yesterday, remembering that he once again left the villains hoodie and mask at Samuels house.

He finally left the house and walked to work. The cold air bit his skin only a bit as it was early morning. He walked for only five minutes before showing up at the shop ten minutes before his actual shift.

"Hey, Matias" A collage kid who worked the few morning hours greeted.

Matias noticed that the kid was often louder and friendlier when he wasn't there, but he paid it no mind.

"Hi" he responded blandly.

Matias went ahead a tied his apron around his waist and greeted Meera, a fairly young girl who worked morning hours with the collage kid. He wasn't sure why she worked the short early morning hours since she didn't have school or another job, but he wasn't concerned about it.

Matias came back out front and decided to go ahead a start taking orders, even though he wasn't on his shift. There was a line of four people by the collage kids counter so he figured he could help out.

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