Finn just nodded his head while humming. "Mmm hmm."


Y/n just gave her a thumbs-up while Bubblegum smiled. "Good. Now here's your map." She gave Y/n the holo-pendant, which the girl put around her neck instantly.

Finn started to look at his side where he saw different bottles and beakers of chemicals. Bubblegum was about to leave with Gumball when he picked one up. "Hey Princess, what are all these bubbling chemicals all over the place?" He asked while looking closely at the yellow liquid.

"That's paralyzing potion, Finn! Don't touch it. It'll paralyze you forever!" She giggled nervously while Finn quickly put the potion down. "Thank you all." She clasped her hands together while both she and Gumball stepped inside the elevator. "And remember, our heads are on the line!"

Her head was sticking out before she pulled it in last minute so it wouldn't get caught in the doors. Gumball looked shocked and completely awake, but his words were cut out when the door closed and they started going up in the elevator.

Jake rubbed his hands eagerly. "All right, let's hit it." He turns on his heel and starts to move towards the tunnel.

"Wait. I got a sick plan!" Finn put out his hand to make Jake stop. He then took an empty anti-gravity chamber while whistling. He filled it with some of the reject charts and then poured the yellow paralyzing potion on them. He turned away for a moment before putting one of the packs on Cinnamon Bun's back.

"Go!" He pats Cinna-Bun's shoulder to make him go down the tunnel.

Cinna-Bun just shrugged with a dopey grin on his face. " Okay. Bye! Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Bye!" He waved at them, his voice getting louder before he disappeared around a corner.

"Bye Cinna-Bun! See you there." Y/n waved at him with a smile on her face.

Jake chuckled. "Heh, that was fun, but why'd you do it?" He asked Finn.

Finn smirked while putting the chamber on his back. "Look, everyone expects the tarts to go on that Royal Tart Path. Cinnamon Bun will be our decoy while we take the one path no thief expects a tart toter to take the Desert of Doom!"

Y/n blinked while following behind the boys. "The Desert of Doom?" She questioned, but they didn't respond to her questioning tone.

The three stood at the edge of the Candy Kingdom. Y/n stared out at the desert land, her lips pressed together. "This... this is the Desert of Doom?" She questioned. It didn't look like what she expected at all.

"Huh, not as scary as I thought it'd be." Finn hummed.

Jake just shrugged. "Yeah, man, mostly just looks empty. I mean, what thief would ever hang out here? There's nothing to steal!" Y/n looked around and all she saw was sand, giant bones, and crumbled buildings that were left behind.

They started to walk through the sand. Y/n immediately felt a sweat form from the sudden heat. "You know, I think my plan might be kinda brilliant. I mean, I'm not saying I'm brilliant, but it's a pretty brilliant plan, I think." Finn spoke while walking. Y/n rolled her eyes at his self-talk and how he was clearly trying to gain compliments.

"True, true. This place is perfect for toting tarts." Jake nodded.

Finn then pointed at a pair of mountains in the distance. "Yeah, and the Back-Rubbing Ceremony is right over those mountains. This tart tote is gonna be a total tart walk."

Jake chuckled. "Heheheh, yeah." Jake suddenly stopped and held a hand over Finn to keep him back. "Ohh, wait! Hold up!"

Finn froze while looking around. "What is it?"

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