Chapter 23

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It's been another few months and him and Connie's relationship continued to grow. Their love continued to get bigger and bigger. They've only been together for a small amount of time, but he felt like it's been much longer. He was so in love with her, and she felt the same way about him.

He didn't mention it to her, but he was working extra hard, saving all his money that he could and even taking extra shifts to be able to save to go to college. He was motivated by the thought of her. Furthermore, he knew she would do amazing, and he wanted her dream of becoming a chef come true. So if he went back to school, she would too. He also felt like he could do it. She motivated him and believed in him which made him believe in himself more than he ever did before.

He sent in an application to enroll and wrote the college a letter, seeing if they would let him since he was accepted and let them know why he didn't go when he was accepted right away and not long after that he was enrolled in college. He smiled and was very excited, he knew his parents would be proud, but would they? He lost his sister. That thought was always in the back of his mind, but he tried to push those feelings down.

Connie was coming over to his house and he was so excited to tell her the news. He heard a knock at the door and quickly went over to answer it. "Hey beautiful." He pulled her into a kiss.

"Hey handsome." She kissed him back and then walked inside his home, closing the door behind her. "So I was thinking, beach day today!" She did a twirl in the dress she was wearing. It was a white dress with some flowers on it that hugged her curves but also flowed at the bottom, she was breath taking. He just wanted to stare at her forever but he needed to tell her the news.

"Sounds like a plan! But I actually have some news." He smiled.

"Ooh what is it?" She asked. Danny then handed her a blank envelope. She looked at it confused. "What's this?" She asked and started to open it. She read all the details and then looked at him with a shocked but happy expression written on her face. "Wait is this—"

"I enrolled in college, I start next semester." He smiled.

"AH!!" She squealed and immediately jumped in his arms and kissed him. "That's incredible babe!! I'm so happy for you!!"

Her smile really made this all worth it and made him even more excited to go to school. "Don't forget our deal." He smirked.

"Ooh, okay okay you win, I'll enroll too!" She giggled, she was honestly excited to enroll in school herself. Maybe she would actually become a chef, her dream could become a reality. She then realized with all the excitement she was still clinging onto him. She chuckled and stood back on the ground. "I just hope they accept me."

"Of course they will, you're smart, talented, and of course gorgeous." He smiled.

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I don't think looks will get me into school."

"I would accept you immediately."

"Maybe you should switch from guitar playing to college acceptors." She chuckled, not knowing what they were actually called.

"Hmm maybe I should, hello my names Danny, I'm a college acceptor." He laughed with her.

"Now this is definitely a day to celebrate! We'll go to the beach and then I'll cook you a meal! Gotta get my practice in if I'm going to become a chef."
She chuckled.

"Sounds good to me." He smiled and walked into the other room as she followed behind him and started packing things he needed for the beach.

"What college were you looking into?" He asked.

"Coral Springs was always my top school, it's beautiful there and some of the top chefs in the world have gone there."

"I'm pretty sure Coral Springs is near where I'm going." He thought out loud and took out his phone and started looking it up. "Only an hour and a half away from each other!" He smiled.

"That's not bad at all! We could totally visit one another." She smiled happily. They would both miss each other if they were super far away so they definitely lucked out.

Danny finished packing for the beach, and they got into the car and headed there. It was an amazing drive, listening to music, and there was not one cloud in the sky. When they arrived it wasn't packed either which was perfect. They laid a blanket down and stuck an umbrella in the sand. Connie packed a picnic basket full of cheese, crackers, and sandwiches. It was perfect.

After they ate a bit and relaxed in the sun with one another, Connie stood up and took off her dress, showing her new bikini she bought. It was yellow with some blue flowers on it. Yellow was definitely her color, it radiated her personality. She was a sunshine type person, and he loved that about her. He then took off his shirt and joined her in the water, clinging to each other and splashing one another, just having a great day.

They stayed in the water for a long time until their fingers looked like raisins. They laid back down on their towels and watched the sun go down as they dried off and held one another. The drive back home was nice and peaceful, they we're definitely tired after this long but fun day.

Once they got home Danny got out of the car with Connie and opened the front door to his home as they started putting some of their things away. Connie had some stuff that she leaves at Danny's when she stays over. Danny finished putting everything away and leaned against the wall and pulled her into a kiss and smiled.

"Now I'm going to cook you a meal! Gotta practice." She smiled but then they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Is that the mail? I don't remember ordering anything." He spoke out loud and walked over to the door and opened it. He stood there like he was frozen not knowing what to do or say. Connie looked at Danny confused.

"Danny?" She asked and walked closer. Danny looked back at Connie, she couldn't read his emotion since he had so many at the moment. He moved away from the door. It was a young looking girl with a suitcase next to her.

"Connie, this is my sister Amelia."

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