Chapter 20

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Danny and Amelia didn't speak two words to each other in the morning, they kept their distance from one another. They did their usual morning routine and Danny went to work and Amelia went to school, actually went.

Amelia sat in class thinking about everything, did she want to go to another home? A strangers home? She was really thinking about it. She started writing pros and cons in her notebook.

'Okay cons..'
-miss Danny
-don't know the people
-could be mean

'And pros..'
-having an actual family, a mother and father again
-Danny won't have to worry about taking care of me anymore
-less stress

As she sat there in class writing everything down she figured it out, she figured out what she wanted. She closed the notebook and put it away and started actually focusing on actual school.

Danny went into the break room and sat down in one of the chairs, chugging down some coffee. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his phone, he wasn't doing anything on it, just staring at it. Waiting to get some bad news, or a text or call from his sister. Connie walked into the break room herself. "Hey, how's everything?" She asked.

"Still the same, I don't know, it's just complicated."

"It definitely sounds it.. I'm guessing it didn't go well with your sister?" She asked.

"It literally couldn't have gone worse."

She looked down, holding her coffee mug with both hands. She wished there was something she could do to help. "I'm sorry.. You really need a break from all this, are you doing anything for yourself?" She asked.


"Yeah.. Like do you have any hobbies?" She asked.

"Oh.. I use to, I don't really have time for any of that, besides my sister needs me."

"I think you need her more than she needs you.." She mumbled.

"Huh? No that's not true, I'm all she has."

Connie looked down once more. "What about you? Is she all you have?" She asked.

Danny looked at her and then looked away. "This isn't about me, it's about her, she's a child."

"So are you.."

"No I'm not, I'm 18 years old."

"Exactly my point.."

Danny sighed and took another sip of his coffee. "It doesn't matter, this is my life now, no matter what I'm taking care of her."

"I get it.. She's lucky she has a great brother like you.. I just know it's important to take care of yourself.."

"I appreciate the concern, but I'm fine."

"Those bags under your eyes tells me differently.."

He sighed and took another sip of his coffee. "Look, we better get back to work." He stood up from his chair and she did as well.

"I like painting."

"Huh?" Danny looked back at her.

"That's my hobby.. Painting, I really enjoy it, it's my escape from when my life goes to shit.. I have so many paintings all over my house, probably to much." She let out a small chuckle.

Danny gave her a small smile and started walking away but then stopped and turned around to face her. "Guitar. I use to play guitar, I use to write my own songs and everything, I really loved it, just being able to express feelings I wasn't able to speak with words."

Connie smiled. "I love that, you should get back to doing what you love." She then walked back into the main part of the restaurant. Danny sighed and followed not far behind her. He didn't have time to do that, and even if he did, he wasn't sure if he had the motivation or love for it anymore.

Amelia finished school and was talking on the phone. "Yeah I just.. I think it would be best.. I don't know if I even have a say but— yeah I'll be home at 3pm, thank you.." She hung up the phone and sighed, she wasn't sure if this was the best idea or if she'd regret it but she had to do this, for her.

Danny finished work and arrived home seeing the CPS car in the driveway. He let out a groan and leaned back more in his seat. "Isn't it to late for this shit" he mumbled to himself and got out of the car and unlocked the front door to the house. He saw Amelia and the CPS worker sitting at the kitchen table looking at some paperwork.

"Uh.. hello?" He greeted the lady.

"Hello Daniel, would you take a seat?" She gave him a small smile. Danny sat down at the kitchen table and saw a bunch of paper work.

"Whats all this?" He asked. Amelia couldn't look at Danny, she just continued to look at her hands that were in her lap.

"Amelia called me.. She wants to live with someone else.. So you don't have to have this burden anymore, you can live your life. I found a great family that will take good care of her."

Danny stood up from the table. "What?? No you can't just take her away! So you listen to 13 year olds now??" He yelled.

"I understand how your feeling, but this is what's best for Amelia, and if she doesn't want to live here we can bring her somewhere else."

"No! No you just can't take her away!" He yelled and looked at Amelia. "Amelia.. please.. I know this hasn't been easy but you just can't leave.. We can make this work.."

Amelia looked at him for the first time and stood up and walked close to him. "Danny.. I love you.. but you know this is to much for you.. And I just want you to have a better life than this.. I'll be better somewhere else and happier.."

Danny listened to her and was trying his best not to cry. He takes a deep breath to keep the tears inside. "Is this really what you want? It would make you happy?" He asked. Amelia nodded. He took a deep breath once more and looked at the CPS lady. "You promise this is a good family? And you'll do check ins to make sure she's safe?" He asked.

"Yes of course, this is a wonderful family, they live not far from here so she doesn't have to transfer schools either."

Danny nodded and sighed once more. "So what do you need from me now?" He asked and they all took their seats and went over the paperwork that was on the table.

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