Chapter 15

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Danny didn't want to go to work today with this bruise and cut on his lip that was easily noticeable, the questions he was going to be asked, he was prepared for it. He sighed and got dressed into his uniform. He checked his phone and Marissa was texting him.

'Come on baby, I'm sorry I over reacted, lets talk.'

'Lets go out tonight ;)'

'Please answer'

Danny sighed. He should honestly just block her number. Amelia made breakfast for Danny since she knew how to now, she wanted to cheer him up from that horrible ex of his. Eggs and toast, the easiest thing, she loved it. Danny walked out of his room and saw Amelia in the kitchen.

"You're up early."

"I wanted to make you breakfast, you did teach me so gotta make those lessons mean something" She shrugged and put a plate down for him. Danny smiled and ate the food with her. His phone vibrated once more, and he glanced at it. "She's texting you?" She asked.

"Yeah shes insane." He sighed.

"You should block her number."

"I really should, shes trying to apoligize."

Amelia gave him a worried look. "Dont worry I'm not taking her back." He added.

"Good, you dont deserve that shit."

They both ate their food and cleaned up. "Do you need a ride to school?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it, I can take the bus." She stood up and grabbed her bag. "You can always text me if you need me, okay? I hope your day is better." She gave him a small smile.

"I do too.." He gave her a small smile as he watched her walk out the door and onto the bus. He continued getting messages but ignored them until he made his way to work. He took a deep breath, hoping no one would notice what he looked like. He knew the customers were going to give him some looks. He can only imagine what they're thinking happened to him.

He walked inside and immediately went to the back room and clocked in. He was rushing around which made him accidentally walked into Connie.

"Woah someone's in a hurry." She chuckled and Danny looked down. Trying to not have her look at his face.

"Yeah.. uh.. got customers to feed.." he chuckled anxiously.

She tried to look at his face, and she noticed a cut and bruise, but she could clearly see he was trying to hide it. "You don't have to hide it, okay? I won't ask questions" she touched his shoulder. She knew what it was like when people asked questions that she didn't want to answer.

Danny raised his head and gave her a small smile. "Thank you." He then went to tables and started serving the customers.

Break time came around and he glanced at his phone.

'You didn't block me so that means you still like me'
'Just answer okay, it won't happen again'

Danny rolled his eyes and pushed his phone away in frustration. Connie came into the break room and opened the fridge to grab her drink. "Can I ask if you're okay?" She took a seat in front of him.

He sighed and handed her his phone so she could put it together. She held the phone in her hands and read the messages. "Jesus.." she handed the phone back to him.

"Yeah she got jealous that we're friends and wanted me to quit this job."

"Seriously? I heard of girls getting jealous but that's the extreme."

"I agree."

"Why don't you block her?" She asked.

"I don't know.. I mean I'm not getting back with her, but I still like her.. Feelings don't go away that quickly. Besides, she's crazy, I don't know what she'll do if I block her." He shrugged.

"Why not get a restraining order?" She asked.

"I don't think it's that serious, I hope it doesn't get to that point, maybe she'll give up once she realizes I'm done." He shrugged.

"Hopefully.. I'm really sorry Danny."

"Don't be, sorry about venting about this bullshit."

"Hey we're friends, you can talk to me about whatever, it's my turn now."

Danny looked at her.

"I had to change my pants before because I drank to much water, thought I would make it to the bathroom in time, I didn't."

Both her and Danny started laughing. "Did anyone see you peeing yourself?"

"I sure hope not!" She laughed. "I knew that would put a smile on your face."

"How can I not laugh at that, only you." He laughed.

"Yeah only me." She chuckled. "If you need a laugh you know who to go to." She than stood up and skipped her way back to work.

Danny rolled his eyes and laughed and stood up and headed back to work as well, but without the skipping. He went back to serving tables when his other co-worker, Erin, came over to him. "Hey, someone requested you to be their server."

"Is that even a thing?" He asked.

"We'll she won't let me wait on her." She shrugged.

"What table?" He asked and looked around.

"Table 7." She pointed and that's when Danny's heart sank.

"God dammit."

"You know her?" She asked.

"Sadly." Danny made his way over to the table where Marissa was sitting.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well  you haven't been answering my texts."

"So the logical thing to do is come to my job?" He asked.

"How else was I going to get you to talk to me?"

Danny sighed and rubbed his head. "Because I don't want to talk to you okay?"

"Come on give me another chance."

"Do you want something to eat or drink? If not you have to leave so I can give this table to someone who will."

"You can't kick me out."

"Watch me." He walked away from the table which made her stand up.

"Don't walk away from me!!" She yelled, which made the whole busy restaurant go quiet.

Danny walked over to her. "Keep your voice down okay?" He looked around seeing all the stares.

"I will not! You will not ignore me!" She grabbed the glass of water that was on the table and splashed it on him.

Danny didn't even react shocked. He wiped his face with his arm and pushed his hair out of his face. "This is not helping your case at all."

"Maybe this will!" She grabbed a knife from the table which made Danny back up and a bunch of people stand up and get away from their tables.

"Marissa.. Put the knife down.. okay..?"

"Than fucking talk to me." She spoke sternly, still holding the knife.

"Okay.. Okay.. Let's go outside.. Just leave the knife here.." he walked closer to her, keeping his hands up like he was getting arrested. She slammed the knife down on the table and walked towards the exit. Danny looked back at his co-workers and his boss, who were giving concerned looks. He took a deep breath before he walked outside with her.

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