Chapter 16

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Danny walked outside with her and took a deep breath. He was on high alert not knowing if she even had weapons in her pocket.

"Okay, let's talk."

Marissa immediately pulled him close and kissed him passionately which made him pull away. "What the hell are you doing??"

"I missed you." She smirked.

"I thought you wanted to talk."

"Talking is boring, let's go back to my place." She smirked and tried dragging him away.

"Stop, I don't want to go anywhere with you, I told you it's over."

"Come on, you were so into me."

"I was, but that's over."

"Come on, what do I have to say to get you to come home with me."

"Nothing, I'm going back to work before you get me fired."

"You can't just keep walking away from me!! I chose you!!" She yelled.

Danny turned around and looked confused. "What do you mean chose me?"

"You're the one I want! I could have chosen anyone in that store that day but I picked you! I could only be behind that register for so long before I got caught!" She yelled.

"Caught? Caught with what?" He asked.

"Oh sweetie, you didn't think it was weird that my uniform was different than everyone else's? I just wanted to get your attention." She moved closer to him and touched his arm and held it close to her body. "I saw you on your interview and then at the store, I didn't know how to make my move so I had to think fast." She smirked.

Danny backed away from her and pulled his arm away. "Wait.. You didn't even work there..? You were stalking me..?" He was starting to get very scared of her. He remembered he felt like someone was watching him in that store, now he knows it was her.

"I knew we were meant to be, and we are." She moved closer to him.

"Back the fuck away from me!" He yelled.

Marissa grabbed his arm and dug her nails into his skin. "You don't want me to leave, you love me."

Danny tried pulling his hand away from her grip when he heard cop sirens pulling in front of the restaurant. "You called the fucking cops??" She yelled.

"I didn't, no." He kept the grip on her now so she wouldn't run off. The police officers pulled her off him and held her hands behind her back and hand cuffed her.

"Ma'am you're under arrest for public disturbance and assault." They pulled her away and pushed her into the back of the cop car.

"I'll be waiting for you!" She called out. Danny took a deep breath and watched the cop drive off.

"What the actual fuck.." he mumbled to himself. The other cop stayed behind.

"You okay sir?" He asked.

"I don't really know how to answer that.." He looked at his arm that had cuts from her nails.

"I need to ask a few questions on what happened." He pulled out his notepad and Danny informed them of everything and what her name is. The cop than got into his car and filled out all the information. Connie walked out of the restaurant and kept some distance between Danny, not knowing how he was feeling.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I've been better.. Everyone gossiping in there?"

"I can't lie.. Yes.. But mostly I'm concerned.. I mean we.. We're all concerned."

"Did you call 911?" He asked.

"Yeah.. As soon as I saw her yelling at you.. I didn't like the look she had in her eyes.."

"Yeah I wish I saw the look when I first saw her.." He sighed. "They arrested her, hopefully she stays there forever." He shrugged.

"Maybe after work I can come over.. I mean if you want.. You seem like you need a friend.. I mean.. You don't need a friend but we are.. I.." she stuttered anxiously. "Sorry, I'm just here for you is all."

"I appreciate that.. But I don't think it's the best idea right now, I need to make my sister a priority, nothing else."

He walked back inside the restaurant and Connie sighed. She should have asked him out before Marissa, now she might never get the chance. She than made her way back inside as well.

Danny apologized to a bunch of the customers that had to witness that and then apologized to his co workers who didn't need him apologizing, they felt bad, all of them. Danny walked over to Dana. "I'm so sorry Dana.. Please don't fire me.."

"Fire you? You think I'd fire you because of that crazy bitch?" She asked.

"Well.. Yeah.. Kind of.. She made a scene and this is your restaurant.."

"Shit happens, nothing we can do about it, this wasn't your fault."

Danny sighed with relief. "I am sorry though, truly." 

Dana put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him and then pulled him into a hug, a motherly hug. She felt like he needed it and honestly he did. He was trying hard not to burst into tears. 

"Why not take the day off?" She asked.

"No.. No I'm okay, I need the distraction.. I just.. I need a minute.." He walked to the bathroom to collect himself and started crying, he needed this. He leaned against the sink and hysterically cried. He didn't know if he was crying from her or just the stress in general. Of course the first girl he fell for was crazy, maybe that made him crazy too. He collected himself and then went back to work like nothing happened, he was good at hiding his feelings and stress, pushing it down, which he shouldn't do but he does anyways. 

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