Chapter 6

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Danny arrived home and put his clothes in his dresser and made himself some food and then started cleaning up around the house. The bus pulled up in front of the house and then drove away. Danny waited to hear the front door open but it never did. He walked over to the front door and didn't see her. He figured she was hanging out with one of her friends which he never cared about before. He use to be the one who would be out late with friends but he couldn't do that anymore. He also had to be aware of what she was doing now.

He sighed and grabbed his phone and sent a text. 'hey, where are you?' he sent to her. He didn't like that he had to be a parent but he had no choice. He then went out to the mailbox and grabbed the mail and came back inside. 'great bills' he sighed to himself and tossed the mail on the counter.

He saw a big envelope that was addressed to him to one of the schools he applied for, the one he really was hoping to get in to. He opened up the envelope and read the details inside. 'We hereby congratulate you on your acceptance' was the first words he saw, meaning he got in. He felt so much sadness and frustration reading it being that he couldn't go to school anymore. He teared up the envelope and the letter and threw it aggressively in the garbage.

He could hear his parents voices in his head cheering for him and saying how proud they were. The voices of his parents were to loud. "Stop.. Stop cheering.. JUST STOP" he yelled to no one and covered his ears. It was a good thing he was home alone, he looked like a psycho.

He went into the fridge and saw there was some beer that his dad would drink and decided to open one up. He wasn't a virgin to drinking, he would go out to parties with his friends all the time so a beer in his hand wasn't shocking but with the circumstances he shouldn't be drinking but he just wanted the voices to be quiet. He could hear his dad yelling at him for drinking in his head.

What are you thinking? You got a new job tomorrow and what if your sister needs you? You're gonna drink?

"Shut the fuck up" He spoke to no one and took a big gulp of the beer.

Amelia was at the mall with Candice and a few other friends. She felt her phone vibrate and saw it was Danny and didn't bother answering, she didn't need to tell him her whereabouts. She remembers how sometimes they would text funny memes to one another or when they were with their parents they would text each other funny things that were happening, they were so close. It didn't feel the same anymore.

Candice and her walked around different stores, pointing out things they would love but couldn't afford. Amelia planned on making a lot of money, somehow, so she could live her life, even though she didn't want to finish High School, she felt like she could be successful without it. She checked her phone while Candice was trying on a dress that she wasn't going to buy. Someone messaged her about needing a babysitter on the weekends, she was thrilled. She immediately messaged them back and then looked up to see Candice in this bright red dress that hugged all her curves. "Woah that's stunning!"

"To bad I cant buy it" She chuckled and admired herself in the mirror.

"Just steal it" Amelia teased.

"Yeah you're funny" She laughed and went back in the changing room. Amelia stood up and walked around the store while she waited. She saw this beautiful bracelet that had lots of pretty stones. She looked at the price tag, money that she didn't have. She looked around the store seeing no one was paying attention and immediately shoved it in her pocket. Candance than got out of the dressing room and they both headed out of the store when the Security tag started beeping in the store as they walked through it. Candance looked confused while Amelia was panicking on the inside.

"Excuse me girls, I have to check your bags" One worker informed them and Candance and Amelia immediately handed her their purses and the lady looked through them. "Sorry about that, this thing sometimes acts up, have a good day." The lady then walked off and Amelia and Candance left the store.

"They really need to fix those things." Candance chuckled.

"Yeah.. Yeah they really should." Amelia smirked a bit.

Danny leaned against the counter as he drank his beer. Someone than started knocking on the door, he assumed it was Amelia. He finished the beer and threw it out in the garbage and then went to open the door and it was a lady he's never met before. He saw a tag on her shirt that said CPS which made him let out a sigh. "Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yes I'm coming to check on Amelia."

"Well she's not home right now."

"Where is she?"

Danny hesitated for a bit. "Out with friends I assume, its not illegal for her to go out."

"No but you should know where she is."

Danny sighed in frustration. "I'll try calling her."

"May I come in?"

"Do I have a choice in that?" The silence was loud which made the answer clear. He sighed once more and stepped away from the door and let her walk inside.

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