Chapter 8

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Danny walked through their town trying to find out where she went. He tried calling her but no answer, like usual. He walked around for hours trying to figure out where she went but ended up giving up and went home. He continued to try calling and texting her, he shouldn't have fought with her but he was stressed. The night went on and he was exhausted but he didn't plan on going to sleep, what if something happened to her? He made himself some coffee and sat at the kitchen table hoping to eventually see the front door open.

Amelia walked around the town getting out her stress and frustration. She understood he was stressed but she wasn't a child, she hated being seen as this fragile person that needed to be cared for, she can take care of herself. She ended up at the park and went on one of the swings and just swung back and forth, giving her some time to cool down. She heard her phone going off but chose to ignore it. What was he going to do? Yell at her again? She texted Candance to see if she was awake still and she was. Amelia asked if she could stay the night and of course she agreed. It was a good walk away but that would get her to calm down during her walk.

Eventually after she walked for a good amount of time she made it to her house. She looked at the texts from her brother.

'please come home, lets talk.'

'I shouldn't have said what I said'

'just let me know you're okay'

She sighed and went to the text messages between her and Candance.

'front door is open, my parents are asleep, just come to my bedroom'

Amelia quietly opened the front door and then quietly closed it making sure it was locked behind her and then went into Candance's room. They had sleepovers quite frequently so she was familiar to her house. Candance was on her bed watching tv when she saw her bedroom door open. "Missed me?" Candance chuckled.

"Yeah something like that." Amelia sat down on her bed.

"Fighting with your brother?" She asked.

"I'm just sick of him being so controlling, he yelled at me cause I was out with you and blah blah blah, its ridiculous, so thought I'd come here instead."

"You know you're always welcome here."

Amelia felt the stress wash away when she was out of the house and just with her friend. She needed this, there was stress after stress, she just wanted to live her life. Candance and her continued to gossip about their days, Candance was a talker and Amelia loved listening to her. They also watched a bunch of movies until they both fell asleep.

Danny continued to wait up for her until the point it was very late and he ended up falling asleep resting his head on the kitchen table. The sound of his alarm woke him up and he quickly sat up. He didn't even remember falling asleep but it felt like he slept for 5 minutes.

He rubbed his eyes and stretched his back until it cracked, he was so sore. He looked at the time and it was 7:00am. He usually woke up early to make himself and Amelia breakfast and to make sure she got to school okay. He looked at the text messages he sent her and it said they were read. He was relieved by that since he knew she wasn't dead but still annoyed that she couldn't respond. He sent her another text hoping she would come home before school started and made himself another cup of coffee.

Amelia and Candance were getting ready for school. Amelia had her bag at home still but didn't feel like going back home to get it. She had her homework there but maybe the teachers would be lenient with her. Luckily her and Candance had most of their classes together so they could share textbooks and other things. "My parents don't know you slept over so let me make sure the coast is clear before you walk out" Candance chuckled and walked out of her room. She returned a few moments later and waved her hand letting her know the coast was clear and they both made there way out the front door. The school was a decent walk but they didn't mind, more time to gossip and hang out. Eventually they made it to school with a few minutes to spare and quickly made their way to class.

Danny figured she wasn't going home and saw her backpack was still here. He might as well go to the school and drop it off, maybe he could get a chance to talk to her. He decided to put on his work uniform now and brush his hair so he looked nice when he had to go to work. He looked at himself in the mirror and it looked like he aged 10 years overnight, he had bags under his eyes, he was exhausted. He put more coffee in a thermal cup and grabbed her bag and headed to the school. He arrived shortly and went to the front office. "Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asked.

"Yeah my sister left her bag at home, Amelia Glover."

"Sure thing, well call her down." The lady went on the loud speaker. "Amelia Glover, come to the office, Amelia Glover, come to the office."

Amelia was in class when she heard her name. "ooooh" A bunch of kids chuckled. Anytime someone's name was called to the office, no matter what the reason was, it got a chuckle from the class. She rolled her eyes and made her way to the office. She saw Danny standing outside the office which made her sigh.

"What are you doing here?"

"You forgot your bag, I was dropping it off."

"Thanks." She grabbed the bag from him and started to walk away.

"Amelia wait" He jogged up to her and stopped her from walking.

"I have class."

"Please just talk to me, I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it, but please try to understand."

"I do understand, but that doesn't mean you get to treat me like a baby."

"I'm not trying to, but with this CPS and everything its not easy, I don't want them to take you, I cant lose you too.." His eyes started to fill up with tears. He has been trying his best to stay strong but he was exhausted right now which was making it harder to be strong.


Danny took a deep breath, making sure not one tear fell as he looked away. Amelia immediately hugged him and Danny hugged her back, he rested his head on top of hers, being he was a lot taller. "You're not going to lose me, I promise, I'm sorry.." She felt bad, she never seem him cry, or almost cry.

"Just please.. Text me where you are.. So I know you're okay.."

"I will.."

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