Chapter 9

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Danny arrived at the restaurant for his first day and took a big sip of his coffee as he walked in. Dana walked over to him and noticed how crappy he looked. "Rough night?" She asked.

"Not at all, what can I start doing?" He asked, immediately changing the conversation.

"You'll be following around Connie around, she'll be showing you what to do." They walked together and made their way over to her. "Connie, this is Daniel, the new kid, show him everything, and tell me everytime he messes up." Dana then walked away.

"Don't let her scare you, she's all talk, you don't wanna know how many times I messed something up." She chuckled. Connie looked around to be Danny's age. She had long red hair and light blue eyes, the natural kind of red. Her hair looked long and it was in a pony tail. Danny chuckled with her.

"We'll who knows, she might fire me tonight." He shrugged.

"Very unlikely, we're always busy and always need help." She walked towards the back of the restaurant. "So this is our small little break room, this is also where you clock in." She grabbed one of the time stamps and wrote Danny's name on it. "Do the honors, your first time clocking in." She chuckled and handed it to him. Danny smiled and clocked himself in. "Perfect! One of us now." She smiled and grabbed her note pad. "So there's this piece of paper on the wall, it's color coded, it shows you what table is which, so when the chef hands you food for table 5 youll know where it goes, eventually you won't need to look at the map, but this really helped me when I started."

She then walked over to a table where people just got seated. "You gotta be aware of your surroundings, when someone sits, you go to them." She informed and went over to the table with a big smile. "Hi there!" She greeted the people and informed them of her name and went over the specials and everything and asked if they wanted anything to drink. She wrote it down and then walked towards the bar. "Being we're under 21 we can't serve drinks so the older people have to do it for us, but if it's not alcoholic we do it ourselves." She went behind the bar and filled up two drinks of soda. "Am I going to fast?" She asked.

"No it's pretty easy, just gotta memorize the menu and things, kind of like being at school" he shrugged. She smiled and agreed. She continued to show him everything that he needed to know and gave the table their drinks.

It got later in the day and it was both their lunch breaks. Danny and her sat in the break room and Danny drank some more of his coffee letting out a yawn. Connie got her food out of the fridge and sat down in front of him.

"You okay?" She asked, she could clearly tell he was exhausted but didnt mention it earlier.

"Yeah just had a late night is all, I'm fine." He took another sip of his coffee.

"You're gonna have a lot of late nights here, gotta be well rested." She informed. "Didn't bring any food?" She asked.

"Didn't think of it, my mind was somewhere else." He shrugged.

"Here, have half my sandwich." She pushed some of it towards him.

"I'm not stealing your sandwich, I'll have food when I get home tonight."

"You're already tired and need your fuel, I'm not even that hungry, I'm not taking no for an answer."

Danny chuckled and took the sandwich. "Thanks."

Danny followed Connie around the rest of the night getting the feel of the shift and helping her out. Eventually his shift was over and he clocked out and they walked to their cars together. "See you tomorrow!" She called out and he smiled and went into his car and drove home. He got home a little after 11pm and put his coffee mug in the dish washer. Amelia was awake watching tv.

"How was your first day?" She asked.

"Good" Danny said while he yawned. Amelia turned the tv off and walked towards the kitchen. She saw how exhausted he looked.

"Jeez you look terrible."

"Thanks sis" he laughed.

"I'm serious.. You should go to bed."

"How was your day?" He asked, ignoring her.

"It was fine, just school, nothing exciting." She shrugged.

"Alright well I'm gonna go to bed, let me know if you need me."

She nodded and he headed into his bedroom and immediately flopping down on his bed and passing out from pure exhaustion, not bothering to change.

Amelia felt bad seeing how tired he was. She wanted to do something for him. She planned on making him breakfast. She set her alarm earlier than when he usually gets up, hopefully beating him to the kitchen in the morning. She then went to bed herself.

Danny's alarm went off in the morning which made him groan. He was still exhausted but at least he got some sleep. He heard the smell of something burning and was immediately confused. He went into the kitchen and saw smoke filling the air and Amelia trying her best to cook.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Making breakfast!" She put burnt toast on a plate and some eggs that we're definitely cooked for way to long. Danny chuckled and opened a  few windows, letting the smoke out.

"Think you cooked them a bit to much."

"Hey I tried" she chuckled.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked.

"I felt bad about yesterday and you looked so tired so wanted you to do one less thing in the morning."

"That's sweet but you don't have to worry about that."

"We'll I wanted to, like you say."

"Using my words against me I see" he chuckled and took a bite of the burnt toast. The large crunching sound made them both chuckle.

"How about this weekend I teach you how to cook, you'll be a 5 star, or at least a 3." He teased.

"I'll be better than you once I learn."

"Holding you to that."

They both smiled and tried their best eating the burnt meal. It was the first time they smiled with one another in awhile.

"I like this." She smiled.

"Like what?" He asked.

"Being my brother instead of a parent, I miss it."

"I miss it too."

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