Chapter 31

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*two months later*

I forgot how much joy teaching gave me. Being in a classroom with those bright faces was like a hit of oxygen every-time. A group of ten students in my class was perfect with seven years old. Each one very kind, intelligent, and well behaved, making me think what the hell was up with the seven years old in the States. These kids made it easy. They made it fun each day.

Jun said one day he would stop by the class to surprise them, but that surprise would be more for their mothers really.

Talking with my hands was something I always did, but with the glitter and glint of my ring it made it that much more fun. My students loved to talk about it too.

"Teacher, is your boyfriend rich?" one student asked.

I shrugged. "Why do you ask?"

He pointed to my ring and showed a wide gummy smile. "He must be to give you that."

The rest of the class heard the comment and giggled as a whole, warming my cheeks with embarrassment.

Money was something Jun and I didn't really grow up with a ton of. We were both pretty middle class. And our fathers made it clear we learned the value of a hard earned dollar.

But as we grew up, Jun got more of it and I got less. Looking at my ring I came to the realization that was going to change for me. And it made me a little uneasy thinking about it.

I invited Bo-ra shopping for my engagement party dress since she was such a huge help the first time at the mall. I knew I wanted something pretty, a little sexy, but tasteful.

"Does that kind of a dress exist?" she joked while we walked into one store.

Spending what felt like hours trying on one dress after the next, I was scared to look at the price tags. Jun said don't worry about how much it was. Just get what I absolutely wanted

It was a black tie event with close friends and business associates. He knew I would be nervous and wanted to look like the star this time.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked coming out in a long emerald sweetheart dress.

She nodded. "Yes, to the question but not the dress."

Noted. "Are wives of actors usually expected to attend a lot of events with their spouses?" I asked going back into the changing room to slip on the sapphire satin dress with a high slit and wrap halter top.

"No, not at all. It's all about the fantasy a lot of times ," said Bo-ra. Her eyes lit up as soon as I stepped out. Seeing myself in the well lit space of the room in front of the mirrors, I fell in love.

"Fantasy?" I asked inspecting myself.

"Yes. The I'm available, attainable, and unattached fantasy they give their fans. A lot of actors get married but unless they're also in the industry, their spouses don't really step into the spotlight at all. Helps maintain the 'image'. But Jun has always been different," she explained.

I guess this was good news. I didn't have to make my presence known if I didn't really want to. And Jun was also very good at setting boundaries about our privacy. But there was a little hint of jealousy that appeared at the idea of this fantasy that I didn't have before.

Jun always made it clear that I never had any reason to be jealous of any of his costars or fans. That was work. But green flashed on my cheeks briefly regardless.

We bought the blue dress and Bo-ra dropped me home. Jun wasn't in yet, so I thought to surprise him with spaghetti and clams for dinner. I was allotted one day a week after all.

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