Chapter 29

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*Ari's POV*

My Korean was improving. Seeing a tutor everyday for three hours, I was bound to get better. Jun would come home and practice with me. Asking me what I learned that day, review what I learned the day before.

One day I shocked him and called him Oppa. His face pinked out and he couldn't look at me after I had. He said to not to ever call him that again, but his reaction made me think he liked it just a little.

My teacher said I was a star pupil and should do well teaching English. I had a knack for learning and languages was the note she left for Jun as if he was my parent.

He made a reservation at a special restaurant for the day I got my results.And when it came time for the teaching test and interview, I passed with flying colors.

"If you passed, like I knew you would, it would be a celebratory dinner. If you failed, which I was sure you wouldn't, the nice meal would at least help cheer you up," he laughed putting on his silver cufflinks.

His dark blue dress pants and crisp white shirt creating a silhouette so classically handsome, the image belonged in the dictionary.

I walked out of my closet in a pink short chiffon and satin dress with no sleeves. My hair straightened for the first time in what seemed like years and full face of makeup. Jun looked up at me and I could almost see his heart stop. His mouth opened slightly and stars in his eyes.

"Which earrings do I wear? Silver or gold?" I asked holding up two different pairs in each hand.



"Huh? Yeah. What did you say?"

Chuckling I shook the earrings. "Which ones?"

"Um, the silver ones," he finally replied coming back to earth. I put the gold ones away and put on the silver drop earrings that actually did work better than the other ones. White heels would be fine.

Jun decided to drive the sports car to the restaurant with the security detail following inconspicuously. Things have been so quiet on that front, I had almost gotten used to the security being there.

The restaurant was apparently some famous chef's newest spot at the top of this new high rise. Everything seemed new here, so the places all started to blend together. Jun had to remind me it was Italian.

We were seated in an exclusive table with screens on three sides of us. The wait staff was so friendly and dressed to the nines. No menus were brought out just plates of different things types of pastas, antipastos, and bread. It was all delicious. And don't get me started on the wine.

Since we were celebrating, Jun seemed to look the other way once I had my third and fourth glass. So when it was time for me to go to the ladies room, I stood up and all the wine stood up with me in a rush.

"Are you ok? Do you want me to go with you?" asked Jun grabbing my arm as I slightly faltered.

"No, I'm ok. I can make it on my own." I squared my stance and turned from the table with as much poise and grace I could muster. Someone from security would follow but stop just outside the women's restroom door to wait.

You can feel like an absolute goddess who never touched the ground, but that drunken pee while trying not to fall in your heels or sit on the toilet seat, would bring you right back to earth. I was starting to feel I might have gotten a little ahead of myself as my vision started to blur in and out as I flushed. What kind of wine was that?

Another woman was coming out of the stall. Her skin looked like milk and her long hair chestnut brown. She glanced at me quickly, smiled politely as I washed my hands. I returned the grin before looking in the mirror to get myself together.

Ari Where stories live. Discover now