Chapter 19

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Waking up to the sound of voices echoing in the living room, I just laid there realizing I was still naked. Thank god the door was slightly cracked.

I sat up taking the blankets with me to get a better listen, as if I could understand. It sounded like Jun but he was speaking Korean. I'd never heard him have full conversations in his language before. His voice more stronger, and even a little deeper in timber. The person he was talking to responding in quicker lighter tones. No matter the language, it sounded like concern from both.

I got up grabbing a shirt from Jun's closet and a pair of my shorts to venture out, only for Jun and Bo-ra to stop talking and look at me when the door creaked.

"Good morning," I said, carefully walking out. Jun and Bo-ra were sitting on the couch, phones and tablets in hand. You didn't have to tell me what was going on.

Jun rose and walked over to me, placing a comforting hand on the small of my back to place a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning," he said through the kiss.

"Good morning Ari. Did you sleep well?" Bo-ra asked with a cheerful grin. I couldn't tell if she was being genuine or not, but today I was starting to be my absolute best so I grinned back with the same energy.

"Very well, thank you," I said glancing at Jun. He wiped away a smile with his hand. "So, what's on the agenda for today?"

She looked quite impressed. "Mm, Seokjun-ssi is never this cooperative with a schedule. I like her," said Bo-ra narrowing her eyes at Jun.

"That's why I have you," he scoffed. "Baby, do you want some coffee or tea?"

My chest thumped hearing him call me that in front of someone else. He was completely loose and in his element back home. Sauntering into the kitchen and looking up at me waiting for my reply. His attentiveness unassumingly sexy.

"Um, coffee," I managed and he got to work.

"Ari, after breakfast we'll go shopping for the party tonight. Around three, I set up a lunch at a very nice restaurant for just the two of you. Then there's manicures and pedicures at the spa. Then the two of you should get ready for the party. It starts around seven, yes?" Bo-ra said, not even looking up from her phone to scroll using the stylus.

"We can skip the restaurant Noona. I already know a place I want to take Ari," called Jun from the kitchen.

She rolled her eyes and exhaled, crossing it out on her phone. "Ok, fine. But I'll take Ari shopping while you take a look at these scripts."

"I told you I wasn't working for the next few months. That includes looking at scripts," said Jun, all his authority and command reverberating in his voice.

"These won't start production for another year. Just look at them." Explained Bo-ra.

"That's a long ways away. You could give them a peek," I said walking up to Jun in the kitchen, my coffee just being poured in a mug. "I'll be shopping anyway so you should do something while I'm gone."

"I'll be missing you," he said wrapping and arm around my waist to pull me closer. My body tingled and my cheeks flushed. He wasn't holding back here.

"We won't be gone that long," chuckled Bo-ra. "Just to a couple stores and back."

"See, a couple stores and back," I smiled looking up at his crooked grin.

"Ok, fine. But give me an hour after breakfast," he said just low enough for me to hear. He slid a hand down to my butt and gently squeezed. I pressed my lips to not react in front of Bo-ra.

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